
The Shadow Linux Kernel Patchset / News: Recent posts

Shadow-sources-2.6.9-r5 Released.

There are a lot of new patches. The -ac sources have been updated to the newest version. Software Suspend 2 has been updated to the latest beta to fix a few bugs. There is still a bug with AMD64s that I am working on. The ebuild has been changed again. However, I am thinking of separating the patches into separate archives again.

Currently there are:
AC15 patches
Gentoo-dev-sources patches
CK Workstation and CK Server patches (You choose which one you want)
Latest Reiser4
Latest kexec
Latest swsup2
Latest Win4Lin
Lots of fixes

Posted by Shadowblink 2004-12-18

New version and minor bug fix.

A new version of shadow-sources was released. I made a small error and included a patch that causes the compile of kexec to fail. I deleted the shadow-sources.tar.bz2 and kexec archives from the release, and I will upload the new archives in a bit. I had to change the file names a bit, so hopefully, the mirrors will update fairly quickly. There is a patch in the patches section that fixes this, so you don't need to re-download everything. ;)

Posted by Shadowblink 2004-12-12