
Move Option

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I was compressing some files with the latest beta and realized I could not find a move command.

    With PKZIP i had a -M command that would delete the archived files after they were all successfully compressed into the zip.

    Is there not a simular command with 7-ZIP?   I realized this when -M did not work and found it was for method

    thanks for your help


    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2003-08-28

      7-Zip has no that function still.

      • Ducem Barr

        Ducem Barr - 2004-12-01

        Would be great to have it !

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Igor, please add a 7za.exe command-line command "m", which is exactly as "a" command, except it deletes the source files after compressing them.  That's the only thing keeping me from switching from my current command-line compression program.

        Thanks in advance!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I would like to suggest tht feature be considered for a future relase.  I find having that makes it so much easier when you are compressing a directory or something to save space.



    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I could use a move function as well.

    • Ares

      Ares - 2004-12-07

      Yeah, I must admit that would come in handy.  And, for a failsafe, you could have it move files to the Recycle Bin, on non-networked drives.  Just a suggestion - either way 7-zip is awesome ;)


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      It would really help me a lot. Please add it ...


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yes-yes, please, add Move option!!!


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