
Error in Batch file

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2004-12-14

    Within ConTEXT, I've made a batch file that (amongst other things) compresses a directory. (or at least that's the idea.) This is on XP SP1.

    I keep getting an error I find annoying:
    > Executing: D:\Program Files\ConTEXT\ConExec.exe "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe" /S /Q /c "D:\Apps\FURC\2004\Makefile.bat"

    Make file for the game FIRST Frenzy: Raising the Bar (2004)
    Compressing via 7-Zip...
    '"ZFURCFURC\data\2004\*"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    Checking, compressing vertices, and convert to dynavis.
    > Execution finished.

    I've tried all I can to fix this, AND I CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT!

    Here's the batch file:
    @echo off
    rem this is the path to the FURC project root (CHANGE LOCALLY!)
    set FURC=D:\Apps\FURC
    rem this is the path to the CrystalSpace project root (CHANGE LOCALLY!)
    set CS=D:\Apps\CrystalSpace
    rem this is the path to 7-Zip's install dir (CHANGE LOCALLY!)
    rem 7-Zip can be obtained from SourceForge
    set 7Z=D:\Program Files\7-Zip
    rem begin code
    echo Make file for the game FIRST Frenzy: Raising the Bar (2004)
    echo Making world file from 3ds...
    rem "%CS%\3ds2lev.exe" -v -pl -o %FURC%\data\2004\world 2004-field.3ds
    echo "%FURC%\data\2004"
    echo Compressing via 7-Zip...
    "%7Z%\7z.exe" a -y -r -tzip "%FURC%\data\" "%FURC%\data\2004\*"
    echo Checking, compressing vertices, and convert to dynavis.
    rem "%CS%\levtool.exe" -compress -dynavis "%FURC%\data\"

    All of the files exist. But I can't get it to not give me the error!

    Can anyone enlighten me as to how to fix it? When I run the offending line in the command prompt (with replacements made), it works fine!

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-12-14

      oops, I forgot to mention my 7-Zip version!

      I just dowloaded it earlier today. (4.13 beta)


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