
can't "Use large memory pages" - Why?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I can't use the option "Use large memory pages"!

    Why??? This option is not selectable!
    And what I could do with this option?
    (If it would function!)

    my system data:
    Microsoft Windows XP
    Home Edition
    Version 2002
    Service Pack 1

    Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz
    1.99 GHZ
    1,00GB RAM

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2006-03-04

      "Help" file:

      Use large memory pages:
      If enabled, 7-Zip will try to use large pages. This feature allows to increase speed of compressing. But 7-Zip can make some pause at starting of compressing for allocating large pages. Also Task Manager doesn't show real memory usage of program, if 7-Zip uses large pages. This feature works only on Windows 2003 / XP x64 / Vista. Also you must have administrator's rights for your system. Recommended size of RAM: 1 GB or more. To install this feature you must run 7-Zip File Manager at least once, close it and reboot system.


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