
Open with * parameter by default on specific extension

  • Fabius

    Fabius - 2015-11-03

    I would like to know if there's a way to set default open action to open with * parameter on files of specific extension, for example DEB files, so 7-zip will show not only "data" part, but also "control" part.
    I tried by manually changing "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\7-Zip.deb\shell\open\command" key in regedit from this:
    "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7zFM.exe" "%1"
    to this:
    "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7zFM.exe" "%1 *"
    but, unfortunately, it didnt work.

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2015-11-03

    7zfm doesn't support additional command line options.
    So the only way now is to use menu Open / *.

  • Fabius

    Fabius - 2015-11-03

    Thanks for the info. I opened a feature request ticket a while ago, i really hope you will consider adding an option to choose that or adding the ability to give a parameter to 7zFM, in one of next releases. Thanks again!


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