
SourceForge = Bad

  • Sami Lehtinen

    Sami Lehtinen - 2015-01-07

    Hi Igor,

    Have you ever considered moving 7-zip project off SourceForge? Due to the SourceForge malware download wrapper, I've blocked sourceforge and several other malware sites like it on our firewall.

    This is just a question. I would like to hear what you think about this situation and what do you think about SF. I'm sure you're aware about Filezilla malware downloader which is also being served by SF.

    I really can't recommend any applications to my friend or customers which main project download comes from SF because I would indirectly recommend them to install malware on theri systems.

    • Thank you!

    Best Regards,
    Sami Lehtinen

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2015-01-07

    What "malware download wrapper" do you mean?

    Yes, I'm thinking about hosting for 7-zip installers in some other hosting.
    Note that I need about 4 TB per month transfer bandwidth.

    • fernando

      fernando - 2015-01-07

      What "malware download wrapper" do you mean?

      SourceForge DevShare Program

      • Melchior

        Melchior - 2015-01-08

        Yah Fernando "malware download wrapper" stuff cropped up
        here on SF, is a tragedy....

        THAT SF would ever do something as DISHONEST as offering to bundle peoples open source programs with a malware laden download wrapper
        I accidentally clicked on the wrong link one time while getting an update
        for one of the many programs i use ;^_^;... only to find it laden with nasties.... I HAD to FIGHT to get that crap off my system...

        if you see a "downloader enabled" link look for the "Direct download" link

        and a link in the files area of projects using it that says wither direct downloads are enabled or disabled and click it as needed...

        but I checked Igor doesn't use it thx fully ^_^

    • Chris McGrath

      Chris McGrath - 2015-01-12

      GitHub has a section where you can put your releases. Not sure if anyone has ever used it for something with that much traffic or if there's any limits on it. It would be great to see 7zip source moved to github.

      • Sami Lehtinen

        Sami Lehtinen - 2015-05-28

        I'm sure there are lot bigger projects running on GitHub than 7-zip. No doubt about that. It seems that primary 7-Zip site is now running on Digital Ocean. - Thank you for that Igor. I just made a donation to support this move.

        • Daren Hoff

          Daren Hoff - 2015-06-14

          Dear Igor,
          It is true that downloaded programs from SFG now-a-days are not safe.
          Recently I had nightmare when I got all my documents and zip files attacked
          with ransmeware encrypted to *.toxcrypt.
          It took me four days to detect how it came to my desktop !!!!
          Ultimately I noticed, I installed three small utilities all from SFG (not
          7-zip !!) projects after which I was attacked with tox.exe. All are
          graphical utilities. I have McAffee corporate version installed since a
          decade, and it is the first time, I got no warning my McAffee.
          Now it looks, you have to think of OR SFG has to be more vigil to this.


          Last edit: Igor Pavlov 2015-06-14
    • RejZoR

      RejZoR - 2015-05-29

      Holy crap!? 4TB of 7zip app downloads a month? Do you think using services like OneDrive or Google Drive would be against TOS or how is with that? I host my stuff this way, but I don't think any of my projects ever reach even 1/1000 of your bandwidth lol :D


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