
Lack of updates for years?

  • Ant

    Ant - 2014-04-26


    How come this 7-Zip final hasn't been updated for years? :(

    Thank you in advance. :)


    Last edit: Ant 2014-07-22
    • john lee

      john lee - 2014-04-26

      Why don't you rtf forum? Last alpha was few months ago! J

      • Speciesx

        Speciesx - 2014-04-26

        The last Final is 3.5 and the Beta 3 years old.

        • john lee

          john lee - 2014-04-26

          That's not what he said - it is being updated, maybe not as often as we'd like, but why not stop wasting time! J

      • Gemorroj

        Gemorroj - 2014-04-27

        However, for Linux, new versions have not had. Because the source code is the author does not open

        • john lee

          john lee - 2014-04-27

          Yes, see your point tho' that isn't was original emailer saiud. Surely you could make another thread in this forum & ask author to make source available because of this problem using this paragraph as the argument.

          Igor, I can see why you don't want to make alpha code available in general but given the delays to release of beta can't you make an exception (eg for latest alpha) so the linux people can get something up to date?


  • Local Host

    Local Host - 2014-04-28

    The update to 9.32 was long awaited, but the way the future of 7zip is documented and the way the users/community members are informed about what´s happening next and WHEN it´ll happen is as bad as it could be... I love 7zip because it´s good and it works ( most of the time ). I hate 7zip, because the developer is leaving me and my 8400 client computers in the dark of what´s coming next, when annoying things and bugs will be fixed etc... I appreciate what Igor does, but I hate how he informs about it... And the release cycles are way to long...


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