
7-zip.dll Functions

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is there any way we could get a list of Functions and Function Properties for the 7-zip.dll?  I've searched through the forums, but in each case the solution is to look at the source code.  My problem is I'm not a C++ developer, so I don't know what I'm looking at or what to look for if I look in the source code. If Igor doesn't have the time (I know he's busy working on enhancements), is there anyone out there willing to put something like this together for the rest of the community?

    Thanks in advance!

    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2004-10-14

      Probably you don't need 7-zip.dll. Probably you need 7z.dll (7za.dll)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      It'd be the 7z.dll.  Still would be helpful if someone could post functions and function properties somewhere.

      • Igor Pavlov

        Igor Pavlov - 2004-10-15

        Check this file:


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