
#1452 7zg.exe requires mouse click acknowledgement when decompressing bad archive

7zg (1)

Decompressing corrupted archives with 7zg.exe requires mouse click of close button to acknowledge the error. This defeats the purpose of using 7zg in automated scripts.

To reproduce:
1) Create archive.
2) Hex edit the archive so that it is corrupted.
3) 7zg x archive.7z

Using -y switch has no effect.


  • Shell

    Shell - 2014-12-09

    Is 7zG.exe really intended for use in automated scripts? I think 7z.exe or 7za.exe will do better.

  • Mike

    Mike - 2014-12-09

    When decompressing/compressing tens of thousands of small archives 7z.exe is considerably slower due to its writing to a console window. If 7zG cannot be used at the command-line it has no purpose over the console version. I'm assuming the time and effort to create it was not done for giggles.


    Last edit: Mike 2014-12-09
    • Igor Pavlov

      Igor Pavlov - 2014-12-10

      Now I'm working for code that will reduce output of console version. So probably that problem will be fixed in next versions.


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