
Scorched Earth Online War / News: Recent posts

SEOW v3.2

A milestone release! Trains, spies, paratroopers, 40 different maps, Mods, 800+ object types, enhanced multisector campaigns, enhanced unit naming, enhanced national insignias ...

Posted by 4Shades 2009-03-10

4.01m Update for SE

Check out the new SE release - it now supports the new 4.01m objects. There are also 12 sectors supported. Lots of bug fixes and new goodies.

Posted by 4Shades 2005-07-05

More Team Members!

We are delighted to welcome several new members to the SEOW Development Team. They are, in no particular order,

No457_Squog : MP mapping, play testing
Rummy : Historicals, strategic layer
Wikster : Content Management Systems
DarkSythe : Content Management Systems

Welcome guys!

Posted by 4Shades 2005-03-25

SEDCS1.0beta Released

The SE Development Team announced the release of the initial "air war" beta on 1 October. This is a milestone for the team, with the code base totalling 10000 lines for the DCS, 8500 lines and 300 images for the MP and 68000 records in the database. For installation information, please see

Posted by 4Shades 2004-10-03

More additions to the SEOW Team

Of course, RAF74_Taipan is on the team. His remit is the database and data capture. But we also welcome Murdock to the team as a developer for the DCS.

Posted by 4Shades 2004-08-22

New Developer RAF74_Wall-dog

Welcome to Wall-dog!

Posted by 4Shades 2004-08-06