
Secure File Encryption Program / News: Recent posts

0.34 beta is out!!!

I have just released version 0.34 beta! Get it while the bits are still warm!!! And yes this project is still being maintained. I am finished with college, and looking for a real job. I've had to let some of my other projects go, but I will attempt to devote more time to this one. Beta testers and doc editors are welcome. Hopefully the next release won't take me so long to get out the door.

Posted by Eric Nelson Farmer 2001-09-16

Slow updates

School, new job, and various other projects are taking up a lot more of my time, so now I have a lot less time to devote to this project. However, I assure you that it is still alive, and I will be updating the cvs tree when I get a chance. Hopefully another release soon. It won't have all the features I wanted to include this go around, but it does have one important thing. Faster encryption/decryption for large files. (wana encrypt a 100MB file? go for it, now it wont take all day like it used to hehe) There is only one part of the encryption/decryption proccess that I could not speed up, but all of the other improvements make up for this. There are a few bugfixes that still need tending to as well. (certain error conditions that are rare, but can happen, as well as bad input error trapping) All will be fixed when I get a chance, so please be patient.

Posted by Eric Nelson Farmer 2001-01-12

Win 32 Binary is out for 0.33-beta

The Win32 binary for version 0.33-beta is now available! (Thanks again Cryptide) Now windows users without compilers can use it :-) Grab your copy today!

Posted by Eric Nelson Farmer 2000-09-11

Version 0.33 beta released!

This release is more like a 0.4 pre release. I decided to release it primarily because of the added menu's and the keyfile encryption routines are finished. Version 0.4 beta will take quite a bit longer to complete. Also, I am working on some methods to speed up the program. Anywho, any bug reports would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by Eric Nelson Farmer 2000-09-09

Added Kenny Wallace to the group

Added kenny Wallace to the project to help with documentation and various aspects of the project.

Posted by Eric Nelson Farmer 2000-09-08

Welcome Abord Wess Gordon

Added Wess Gordon to the project to help out with documentation, and beta testing. Also, still looking for volunteers to help with the project web site, ideas, etc.

Posted by Eric Nelson Farmer 2000-09-07

Moving everything to Sourceforge

I've decided to move the project over to sourceforge. Here it will be easier to manage, and I might possibly find people to help me out with the documentation. I am also having to learn cvs, ssh, and all the other useful things that I need to use sourceforge. If something gets goofed up just be patient. If you would like to help, e-mail me. Also, some cvs faq's, etc would be much appreciated. Project Admin

Posted by Eric Nelson Farmer 2000-09-07