
Simple Rule Engine / News: Recent posts

SRE 2.0 released

complete rewrite. chainable rule engine, now with rules that flow from one to the other.

Posted by sierra_digital_solutions_corp 2006-05-29

SRE 2.0

Simple Rule Engine Version 2.0 is almost ready for release.

Posted by sierra_digital_solutions_corp 2006-04-08

NOTICE: using SRE as a parser

We recomment that if you plan on using SRE as a parser that iterates through a nodeset and potentially creates a new set to wait for version 2.0. Version 2.0 will contain a decision tree engine along with its current decision table engine, decision trees allow for easy construction of iterators.

Posted by sierra_digital_solutions_corp 2005-12-06

SRE 1.4

added an action for callbacks

fixed a bug related to dependent defects, when a rules dependent facts(or rules) change, it should be nulled out and reevaluated. Otherwise if the old value was true and the new value was true it didnt fire any event stating it changed. this is critical when a facts value can changed based on a xpath expression with an xpath indexer.

Posted by sierra_digital_solutions_corp 2005-12-03


Rules are now executed upon modification to an XmlDocument object. Many major changes. View the documentation for details.

Posted by sierra_digital_solutions_corp 2005-11-10

SRE 1.10

Major changes for evaluating expressions in this release, SRE now converts infix expressions to postfix for evaluation. The expression evaluator is now capable of mathmatical expressions, set evaluation, and custom functions with minor code changes.

Posted by sierra_digital_solutions_corp 2005-07-20