
#128 swapping signed integers


SDCC seems to be irritated by a NOOP cast (unsigned int
to unsigned int).

/* Macro to swap signed integers, needing a cast */
#define SWAP1(x) (((unsigned int)x>>8) | ((unsigned
/* Macro to swap unsigned integers */
#define SWAP2(x) ((x>>8) | (x<<8))

unsigned int u; /* signed int is not better;) */

unsigned int f(void) {
return SWAP1(u); /* not recognized as swap, (16 byte) */

unsigned int g(void) {
return SWAP2(u); /* fine, (7 byte) */


  • Bernhard Held

    Bernhard Held - 2006-04-25

    Logged In: YES

    I've commited a fix to remove the NOOP cast (rev. 4124) in
    the unsigned case.

    This doesn't improve the code for the signed swap. I'm still
    looking for a clean, elegant solution. I'd like to improve
    the macro itself, but I still don't know how it can be done.
    Another approach is to expand optimizeSWAP() in SDCCast.c,
    but this is somewhat messy.

    The problem is that the task itself is dubios. Why do you
    want to swap a <signed> variable? Isn't it acceptable that a
    dubios source is punished by lengthy code?

    If you're already happy with the current code, please close
    the RFE.

  • Frieder Ferlemann

    Logged In: YES

    thanks for the quick fix:)

    The signed swap macro is convenient if the
    '51 is connected to a big-endian outside world.

    I'm not currently having this problem, just
    noticed it wouldn't work as I hoped:)
    I admit it's probably a niche task, you might
    close it if you wish.

  • Bernhard Held

    Bernhard Held - 2006-04-25

    Logged In: YES

    > The signed swap macro is convenient if the
    > '51 is connected to a big-endian outside world.
    Ok, good point. I leave it open.


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