
running sdcc

  • mark lorusso

    mark lorusso - 2008-11-04

    When I click on the sdcc icon it loads the program, but how do I run the compiler?

    I am running Windows XP sp3 and my computer has AMD 1.3ghz processor and 504MB of memory

    I am new to this,please help

    Thank you

    • Steven Borley

      Steven Borley - 2008-11-07

      sdcc is a command line application.

      Generally one opens a command line window and type something like...

          sdcc -o progname  main.c

      You may need to set your PATH environment variable to point to the sdcc binary.

    • Lee Noack

      Lee Noack - 2008-12-05

      You may also be able to run it from your IDE . for example I can run it from Silabs IDE by selecting it in the tool chain integration.


    • M.R.Memarian

      M.R.Memarian - 2008-12-27


      As Lee said you can load your program in a  IDE and compile it

      here is an ide (MIDE)  with sdcc as default compiler. just install it and run it.

      Good Luck

    • Ronald Marcus

      Ronald Marcus - 2008-12-27

      I am using Micro-IDE from Bipom Electronics. It's free, bare bones,runs right on Wondows XP and will link multiple source files in single projects, and works as expected.


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