Armin Najafi - 2013-06-27

Hello to all
it's a while i'm trying to compile a FatFs code for 18f4550 withs sdcc and i have downloaded the generic sample code of FatFs and trying to port it to 18f4550

but for now, i get these:

sdcc -mpic16 --opt-code-speed -p18f4550 -mpic16 --opt-code-speed -p18f4550 -mpic16 --opt-code-speed -I/usr/share/sdcc -I/usr/share/gputils -I/usr/bin -I/usr/share/sdcc -I/usr/bin -I/usr/share/gputils -I/usr/share/sdcc -c mmcbb.c -o obj/Release/mmcbb.o
sdcc -L/usr/share/gputils -L/usr/share/sdcc -L/usr/bin -o bin/Release/main.hex -mpic16 --opt-code-speed -p18f4550 -mpic16 --opt-code-speed -p18f4550 -mpic16 --opt-code-speed --stack-loc 0x100 --no-pack-iram -r obj/Release/ff.o obj/Release/main.o obj/Release/mmcbb.o
at 1: warning 117: unknown compiler option '--no-pack-iram' ignored
at 1: warning 118: option '-r' no longer supported 'use --xdata-loc instead'
message: using default linker script "/usr/share/gputils/lkr/18f4550.lkr"
error: no target memory available for section "S_ff__f_sync"
warning: relocation of section "udata_main_0" failed, relocating to a shared memory location
error: linker script has no definition that matches the type of section "udata_main_0"
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 1 seconds)
0 errors, 80 warnings

is there any chance, that you can help me with these..?
what is "udata_main_0" ?
no target memory available for section "S_ff__f_sync" ?

tnx in advance