
#4795 HE SAM1: Music in kitchen slightly off (regression)

Pajama Sam 1

ScummVM 1.1.0svn48158 (Mar 2 2010 06:58:51)
Features compiled in: Vorbis FLAC MP3 RGB zLib

When in the kitchen all the sounds and music are slightly off sync.
Every music piece loop after a while but the entry point is wrong and that can be heard.

Worst example is when one lets a kitchen tool sing.
First of all it takes quite some time before it starts (but maybe that is intended to wait for sync of the background music?), then, after the song is finished, the looping background music will have a piece of the singing voice of that last tool in it.
Also the whole background music seems "cut" when looping

Pajama Sam: No need to hide when it's Dark outside (Updated (English/US))

gcc version 4.2.4 (adtools build 20090118)


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-03-02

    Standin in the kitchen

  • kirben

    kirben - 2010-03-12

    This is a regression, caused by revision 47716. When Audio::makeRawMemoryStream was replaced by Audio::makeRawStream.

    I expect the problem is related to HE games altering the sound data as it is been played, via createSound() function.

  • kirben

    kirben - 2010-03-12
    • priority: 5 --> 7
    • assigned_to: nobody --> lordhoto
  • Johannes Schickel

    Just for the logs: The problem should be that the new RawStream code uses caching of the data. Thus when the engine modifies the sound buffer while it is being played (like HE does via createSound as I got told by Kriben) that might lead to parts of the old buffer still being played, since it's currently in the preread buffer.

    There are two possible solutions to this:

    1) Modify the RawStream code to use a custom cache size and/or disabling caching completly.

    2) Bring back the old LinearAudioStream code.

    I'm actually all for the former, since there's lots of code duplication in the second approach.

  • kirben

    kirben - 2010-04-03
    • summary: HE SAM1: Music in kitchen slightly off --> HE SAM1: Music in kitchen slightly off (regression)
  • Johannes Schickel

    This should be fixed in branch-1-1-0 with r48506 by reintroducing the old RawMemoryStream code.

    A proper fix for the trunk will follow.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-04-04

    Judging from the comment in CIA you wanted me to retest? ;-)

    Unfortunately this doesn't fix the problem. It got "slightly" better, but there is still a pause and after a tool has sang there is a little part of that song at the beginning of the kitchen background music

  • Johannes Schickel

    Sure you are using a latest branch-1-1-0 checkout? The "fix" is not included in the trunk as stated in my last comment.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-04-04

    Judging from the comment in CIA you wanted me to retest? ;-)

    Unfortunately this doesn't fix the problem. It got "slightly" better, but there is still a pause and after a tool has sang there is a little part of that song at the beginning of the kitchen background music

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-04-04

    Whoops, sorry, mixed them up


  • Johannes Schickel

    Does that mean it is fixed in the branch now?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-04-04

    Fresh build of branch 1.1.0

    Unfortunately not.
    It's by far better than before, now the background music from the kitchen plays completely without any pauses, but when it's finished there is still this pause and a little bit of the kitchen tool song and only after that the background loops

  • Johannes Schickel

    Could you try to check whether that happens with ScummVM 1.0.0 too?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-04-04


    In 1.1.0 it's perfect and flawless
    Actually now that i heard it right, i have to add that the background music only loops the first loop.
    In 1.1.0 there are many changing piano cues in the background played when a new loop is introduced, in trunk these cues are never played, only the first loop is played

  • Johannes Schickel

    Guess you are talking about 1.0.0 in your statement and as I said before trunk is not covered by my attempt to fix this only the branch.

    Anyway now the sound streaming code should be fine again, i.e. the old behavior should have been restored.

    About that loop bit, do you mean in 1.0.0 the background music only plays one time and in branch-1-1-0 it loops?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-04-04

    Typo in my last comment, sorry

    The other way round
    It's perfect in 1.0.0

    In 1.0.0 the background plays and is looping with much more differing piano cues on every loop
    In 1.1.0 it's only looping once, looping the same loop over and over again without the differing piano cues

    Sorry for the noise :-(

  • Johannes Schickel

    I'm out of ideas then. Maybe Kirben should look into this one again.

  • kirben

    kirben - 2010-04-04

    No idea, the music seems fine again, at least under Windows XP.

    The background music chosen is randomized, when songs aren't been played. So don't always expect the background music to match exactly.

    If you set debug level 1 you can see what background music is been added to the current music (ie queing pad 7).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-04-04

    OK, i did a complete and fresh rebuild of branch 1.1.0 and the error is gone

    My bad :-(

    Sorry again for the noise

  • Max Horn

    Max Horn - 2010-04-21

    So as I understand it, this issue is fixed in the 1.1.x branch but still present in trunk?

    LordHoto, any plans to work on this? You seem to want to allow tweaking the caching -- as I understand it, if we play a memory stream, then no caching at all is needed, which would make this issue go away, correct?

  • Johannes Schickel

    Yes, the idea is either to have two code paths as with 1.1.x or we just document that the reading should be fast, i.e. for slow disk access the caller should wrap it into a BufferedSeekableReadStream or the like.

    Of course one might still consider to change how HE handles sounds, but that would be beyond my interest/time/skills.

    Anyway I still plan to do that, when I have some more time. Of course in case someone else wants to take care of it meanwhile, that would be fine with me too.

  • Johannes Schickel

    Ok I committed a patch for trunk now. Unlike the fix for branch-1-1-x I did not restore the old code there though, instead I removed the pre-buffering in RawStream. That should fix the issue.

    raziel_: Please try again and in case the issue persists just reopen this tracker item please.

  • Johannes Schickel

    • status: open --> closed-fixed