
#4170 SWORD2: No free slot in FX queue

Broken Sword 2

After playing through BS2 from the beginning up to the British Museum (without leaving scummvm or reloading), talking to the Japanese girls there froze the game with a stream of "WARNING: No free slot in FX queue!" messages.

Couldn't reproduce this after reloading from a savegame.

This is with Gentoo on amd64, English talkie BS2, DXA video, scummvm 0.13 branch from 2009-02-16.


  • Torbjörn Andersson

    The FX queue is an array with information about sound effects that will be played later. They can be of the type "spot" (play once), "random" (played at random intervals) or "looped". I believe spot effects are generally set up when an animation starts and the game knows there should be a sound effect X frames later. Random effects are probably used for background bird noises, etc.

    It should only contain information about sounds in the current room (it is cleared when entering a new room), so if you want to try and reproduce it, you should be able to do so without re-playing the game from the beginning. There can be 32 elements in the queue, so it's strange that it should ever fill up. Though there doesn't seem to be anything to stop the same effect from being added multiple times.

    (I believe it's also cleared when restoring a game, which would explain why you couldn't reproduce it with your savegame.)

  • Willem Jan Palenstijn

    I tried a couple of times from the previous scene (Ketch's Landing), but couldn't reproduce it anymore.

  • Eugene Sandulenko

    Should we close this bugreport then?

  • Willem Jan Palenstijn

    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me
  • Willem Jan Palenstijn

    I've tried to reproduce it a dozen times again with current SVN, but it never occurred again, so let's close it.

  • kirben

    kirben - 2009-07-16
    • assigned_to: nobody --> wjpalenstijn
  • Willem Jan Palenstijn

    Follow-up: tdhs and eriktorbjorn tracked this down and fixed it at bug #2976008.