
Scripting Host Plugin for Far Manager / News: Recent posts

SHPCE 2.01 alpha 2 is out

The interfaces of Dialog and Panel are slightly extended.
The HelpTopic property is added to InputBox, Menu, and Message.
A new component, ListMenu, is added.
Other minor improvements are made.

The Russian documentation is also updated
to version rc2 (see the Docs package)

Posted by Alexander E. Gutman 2005-04-26

SHPCE 2.00 release is out

SHPCE is beta tested so you can download the release

Posted by Max Belugin 2004-03-30

English version of object model available

See online at

or download from Files section

Posted by Max Belugin 2004-03-15

SHPCE 2.0 concept 000

The first concept version is out

Posted by Max Belugin 2002-04-22

Build 17: persistent script data is here

In global code do:

Set MyPersistentVar=Far.CreateObject("Option")

... and you access "MyPersistentVar" as normal variable (property "Value" is default for put/get). The value is stored in registry and thus is persistent between script runs. Should be noted that variable type is important and implicitely defined by "DefaultValue". Two basic variable types are supported : integer and string. The 2nd thing to note is "Name" property of option. It is also mandatory, it is used to name the regsitry key under which the value is stored.

Posted by Slava Pechenin 2001-08-13