
Screem / News: Recent posts

screem 0.16.0 released

Screem is a web site development environment and HTML/XML editor.

The latest stable release is now available. This features all the changes / fixes made during the 0.15.x development cycle. There are no new required dependancies since 0.14.x, however compiling with --enable-enchant is advised, and of course will require libenchant. (>= 1.1.6)

Posted by David A Knight 2005-11-02

Screem 0.14.0 stable release now available

0.14.0 is now available, containings lots of bug fixes and improvements over 0.12.x.

Most notable improvements are: support for inline dtds, syntax highlighting colours are once again editable, support for Dreamweaver templates, auto saving, highlighting of the current line, a split pane file browser, and greatly improved helper application features.

This release requires the Gnome 2.10 libraries to be installed.

Posted by David A Knight 2005-05-10

corrupted screem 0.11.3 files

It appears for some reason the 0.11.3 files were corrupted either while uploading, while they download.

I have attempted to upload a replacement for the tar.gz but the same problem hits it.

Posted by David A Knight 2004-08-11

Make sure your email address is valid

On a number of occasions now I have been unable to respond to emails about screem that come via sourceforge email addresses as some accounts do not have a valid address set so the mail bounces.

Please ensure the address you have set for your sourceforge account is valid, or responses can not be given.

Posted by David A Knight 2004-05-18

New stable Screem release

The first stable release of Screem since October is now available, featuring all the changes made during the 0.9.x development version. If you were disappointed or had problems with 0.8.x you should be very pleased by this latest version.

Posted by David A Knight 2004-03-29

Still Alive

Despite appearences to some SCREEM is NOT dead, development is continuing on a GNOME 2 version (screem-devel module in cvs). Development is slow however due to there only being 1 currently semi-active developer...

Posted by David A Knight 2002-01-14

SCREEM reviewed on

There's a review on of SCREEM 0.3.0. The reviewer (Martin Skjldebrand) has taken the time to add a few suggestions for improvements in his review, which Dave is now looking at. The article is here:

Posted by Matthew J. Gardner 2000-09-05

Screem if you like scheme

Support for guile is currently being added into screem.
Currently all the editor functions can be used, and most
of the site functions.

Any *.scm files in $prefix/lib/screem/plugins are added to the
scripts menu of the editor popup, and when clicked on will
evaluate the scheme file.

For a list of the functions available + their names look in the
*_guile.c files.

Posted by David A Knight 2000-05-18

Quick Poll

There is a short survey in the public surveys section,
dealing with interface issues

Posted by David A Knight 2000-04-02


Its unlikely that I will be able to do much, if anything, in the way of coding on Screem over the next 2 months as my final year uni disertation is due in after April, and then there are the exams.

Of course that doesn't stop anyone else coding :-)

Posted by David A Knight 2000-03-24

latest source rpm

There is currently no src.rpm after repeated failed uploads,
and I'm far too annoyed to try it again tonight.

Posted by David A Knight 2000-03-13