Mattias Arro - 2007-07-22


I'm running Screem 0.16.1 on Ubuntu 7.04 and I'm unable to configure screem correctly to upload my sites via FTP.

I created a new site named "Pansionaat" with the New Site Druid -

Can be viewed at:
Do not delete anything: unchecked
Check if files have just been moved: unchecked
Do not ovverwrite files: unchecked
Access rights: Maintain all
Symbolic links: Maintain

This created a folder ~/Pansionaat, with a file index.html. I added a few words to the index file and tried to upload it (Tools->Upload), it gave an error "Upload Wizard: Remote path must being with ~ or /"

But i was unable to find the right configuration for "Remote path" in "Site settings" dialog. The default ( gave the error, so i tried some values from phpinfo() output (open_basedir, script_filename and others alike), but none seem to work. The only result is having the upload progress bar pop up which fails and gives the error "Upload Wizard: Service not available".

What should the "Remote path" be? May i have some libraries uninstalled?

I tried using it simply with (without the /Pansionaat folder), but it still doesn't work.

Thanks for this great app,