
Scope: a generic HMVC framework / News: Recent posts

Development moved to the Clico project

I'm continuing development of an MVC framework with ideas from the Scope project in . I felt that Scope 2.0 was an impossible goal to attain, there was simply too much development and i couldn't do it alone. But with the new technologies like AOP, Inversion of control and Java 5 (annotations), and the JGoodies binding and validation libraries, i think that the goal of Scope, to make Swing development simpler and faster, is closer today. I hope that you will have a look at this project and contribute, this is today very much a work in progress but the results are worth the work in my opinion. ... read more

Posted by Ludovic Claude 2005-06-26

ScopeMVC 2.0 alpha 1 released

This is the first public release after the refactoring work from the 1.x version. It doesn't contain much functionality, and it's still far for production use, but i hope it will give you a good idea of where Scope is going. Don't forget to give your feedback!

Posted by Ludovic Claude 2003-08-07

Now working on Scope 2.0

Scope 2.0 will be a complete rewrite of Scope 1.0.
It will have a smaller public API, to make it easier for people to learn. Features should include: support for XML documents as models, transparent support for JavaBeans as model with the help of Aspect Oriented Programming (or Dynamic proxies), XML configuration file, integrated validation and security support...
It won't be compatible with existing Scope 1.0 applications, but migration should be fairly easy. The change was necessary due to evolving technologies and the organic growth of scope 1.0 which didn't make developping scope as cool as it should be.

Posted by Ludovic Claude 2003-06-02

Scope 1.0.1 released

Scope 1.0.1 has been released. It contains various bug fixes and small improvements for the behaviour of the Swing components. In particular, STextField has been improved, and a preview of a table that can sort its columns, SSortTable, has been added. Scope is an application framework built on a generic implementation of the Model-View-Controller pattern for component based development, independent of view technology. Implementations for Servlet, JSP, XML-XSLT and Swing are provided.... read more

Posted by Ludovic Claude 2002-11-25

Timewarp 0.6 released

Scope is an application framework built on a generic implementation of the Model-View-Controller pattern for component based development, independent of view technology. Implementations for Servlet, JSP, XML-XSLT and Swing are provided. Timewarp, the code generator for the Scope MVC framework, has a new release. This release fixes some bugs in the generated code, and the user interface has been improved to make it nicer and more useful.

Posted by Ludovic Claude 2002-10-31

Scope: release of 1.0 final

Release 1.0 final is finally out!
This release contains numerous bugfixes as well as an improved documentation.
For the developers, please note that Maven is now used to build all the documentation and the web site, and JRefactory's Pretty formats the sourcecode according to Sun's Java coding conventions.


Posted by Ludovic Claude 2002-10-25

New CVS module for Scope work in progress

The new "scope-inprogress" CVS module is available for work in progress that may be incomplete and not ready for integration into the stable codebase.

To start with, I have checked in an STree implementation from dkodeih, an example of using SComboBox as an STable cell editor from Philippe Caron, and a bound ModelButton from mosesjones.

Feel free to use this module as a playground for new ideas!

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2002-05-26

Scope version 1.0rc3 released

Minor release with bug-fixes. Note that major new functionality is now incubated in the "scope-inprogress" CVS module until ready to be moved over to the stable "scope" module.

* Fixes to beanify a couple of un-beany Swing components. (ludovicc)
* Added convenience to set a menuitem accelerator when creating an SMenuitem. (smeyfroi)
* Fixed SwingContext for JDK1.4. (alenkei & ludovicc)
* Added ModelButton to scope-inprogress. (sjones)
* Changed ScopeConfig to be subclassable. (ajackson)
* Added SComboBox in STable example to scope-inprogress. (Philippe Caron)
* Added STree to scope-inprogress. (dkodeih)

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2002-05-26

Scope: Release of v1.0rc2

Hopefully getting close to final release of 1.0. Remaining work (unless bugs are found) is around tidying the documentation.

Minor release with bug-fixes.

Note that extensions to the XML/XSLT servlet implementation may
break with this release: I've switched to using JAXP and TRAX APIs now that
they have stabilised. Unfortunately this has changed the implementation
of AbstractXSLPage, breaking subclasses that customize the default behaviour,
hopefully in a relatively minor way... Sorry! On the plus side the implementation
is now more flexible. :-)... read more

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2002-02-10

Timewarp code generator in CVS

Woohoo! Source code for a new Scope tool, the Timewarp code generator, is now in CVS as the "timewarp" module.

Timewarp is a code generator for Swing Scope applications. It generates model, view, controller and launcher code, as well as unit tests. An application is specified using a Swing GUI and source is generated as .java files and package documentation in .html files.

The authors of this new tool are available on the Scope Yahoo eGroup accessible from the Scope homepage.

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2002-02-09

Scope: Release of v1.0rc1

After a long wait, here's the first release candidate for production-ready v1.0 release. There are still a few minor things that need doing (for rc2) listed in "src/todo.txt", but the framework is being successfully used by various projects.

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2002-01-12

Scope: Release of v0.9.2

Minor release fixing various bugs in the Swing implementation, including
preliminary work on allowing SLists and STables to be sorted (see the SearchResultsView
in FileFind sample and the SAbstractListModel API), and also introducing the final
validation handling strategy for servlet implementations. Log4J initialisation is no
longer performed by Scope in the bin and debug builds: applications may configure
log4j if required.... read more

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2001-11-18

Scope: Release of v0.9.2

Minor release fixing various bugs in the Swing implementation, including
preliminary work on allowing SLists and STables to be sorted (see the SearchResultsView
in FileFind sample and the SAbstractListModel API), and also introducing the final
validation handling strategy for servlet implementations. Log4J initialisation is no
longer performed by Scope in the bin and debug builds: applications may configure
log4j if required.... read more

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2001-11-18

Scope: Release of v0.9.1

Bug fixes and minor feature additions including final refactor of servlet implementation,
and addition of a proof of concept JSP implementation for future development. Includes
autoomatic "busy cursor" in Swing implementation.

Note that I can get the JSP implementation to run in Tomcat 3.2.3 but not Tomcat 4.0.1.
Needs investigation!

* Fixes and (final?) refactor of servlet implementation.
* Added basic JSP implementation including the start of a custom taglib.
* Added "Introduction to Scope" presentation to docs (Julia Reynolds).
* Added automatic initialisation of XSL SystemID (Beat Glattfelder).
* Added example for servlet requiring user login.
* Added credits page to project web site.
* Unit tests for STable and resulting bug fixes.
* Allowed explicit set of StringConvertor on STextField and SComboBox.
* Added simple automatic "busy cursor" handling.
* Changed semantics of accessing non-existent properties: get now returns
null if traversal through null properties, set throws UnsupportedOperationException.
The View implementation should handle that correctly. To test whether a property
exists before doing a get or set use PropertyManager.hasProperty().
* Added active BasicModel wrapper for java.util.Set: SetModel.... read more

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2001-11-11

Scope: Release of v0.9.0

Major release introduces the final new features for v1.0 release. This completes the
Swing implementation with bound List, Table and ComboBox, as well as partial support
for bound multiple selections for Lists and Table. This release also introduces a new
sample TimeSheet application. Work now continues on bug-fixing for the production

The new work on STable is not as thoroughly unit tested as the rest of the code.
Full automatic two way binding for multiple selections is not yet complete.
This work is in progress and will be included in the next release.... read more

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2001-11-05

Scope: Release of v0.8.0

Major release introducing new build strategy for optimized, non-debug
production distributions and simple "one-click" runnable samples for
both Swing and Servlet environments. Addition of complex "File Find"
sample application, numerous bug-fixes and reorganisation of CVS
repository to help new contributors.

Next steps during the 0.8.x releases are completion of both Swing and Servlet
implementations in preparation for full production release.

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2001-10-20

Scope: Release of v0.7.4

A clean up release including a lot of internal rework and some
minor evolution of public APIs. Also some new Swing functionality
including addition of SPasswordField and SSlider.

* Added SSlider.
* Added SPasswordField.
* Added ability to centre SwingViews on the screen: see SwingView.setViewBounds(CENTRED).
* SListModel binds to properties not just models, and now handles Object[] too.
* SSingleListSelectionModel handles validation failures.
* Added unit tests for SRadioButton.
* Tidied SList impl including proper handling of read-only selection.
* Rationalised ViewContext by removing ViewContextFactory. Note: public API changes.
* Rationalised Controller chain of responsibility management. Note: public API changes.
* Tidy up of Controller/BasicController unit tests.
* Added ability to do an internal servlet redirect using ScopeServlet.redirect().
* Added DynamicInvokable for BeansActionManager.
* Deprecated SwingView.setLastShownBounds and getLastShownBounds. Use setViewBounds etc.
* Tidy up of StringConvertor internals.
* Tidy up of Beans ModelManager internals.
* Fixed bug in ScopeServlet that prevented webapps with multiple servlets from working.
* Added initial cut of servlet demonstrating form entry validation: demonstrates need for better exception handling.
* Various other bits of tidy up.

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2001-10-14

Scope: Release of v0.7.3

Scope: Release including danmi's latest Swing work including initial implementations
of JTable and JComboBox.

* Added JComboBox impl (danmi)
* Added JTable impl (danmi)
* Fixed reported bug in SLabel

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2001-10-11

Scope: Release of v0.7.2

A release continuing the refactor and tidy of servlet implementation.
The servlet implementation is considerably changed in this release, although
the public API is relatively untouched. However, the mechanics of servlet request
handling are much more straightforward now, and should allow alternative
implementations to be fitted on top more easily. However, all handling of
session state has been removed although the session is now available in the
ServletContext during a request.... read more

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2001-10-08

Independent users' Yahoo eGroup set up for Scope

Users have set up an independent Yahoo eGroup for discussion of the use of Scope. There is also an effort to establish a FAQ document. Note that this eGroup is not administered by the project developers -- for further details see:

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2001-10-01

Scope: Release of v0.7.1

Minor release, mainly to bring documentation and samples
up to date with current state of code, and to start the final
refactor of the servlet implementation. Servlet docs still lacking
until that subsystem stabilises.

* Lots of work on documentation.
* Refactor of org.scopemvc.view.servlet package.
* Tidy up servlet sample for future addition of more sample web applications.
* Tidy up of new StringConvertors.
* Added a couple of unit tests for new StringConvertors.

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2001-10-01

Scope: Release of v0.7.0

Major release introducing new namespace, refactor of StringConvertors (thanks danmi!), fix for long-standing issues with BasicModel implementation and many other fixes both major and minor.

Next steps are continual bug-fixing and addition of the last few unit-tests for the XML/XSLT processing. Work is in progress to bring the Swing implementation to completion. Also need to complete a useful set of examples and documentation.

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2001-09-24

New package namespace

This is advance warning to all users that the next release will include a move to a new package namespace: "org.scopemvc.*". (Waiting for all DNS servers to sync up.)

As part of the release I'll include an Ant script to change old code over to use the new namespace so it should involve minimal disruption.

I'm sure you'll agree that the new namespace is more convenient and "nicer" than the old one!... read more

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2001-09-05

Release of Scope v0.6.1

This release rolls in bugfixes for swing and servlet implementations, and includes the start of the servlet examples. More to follow soon!

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2001-09-02

Servlet bugfixes

CVS now contains bugfixes to the servlet implementation that ships with Scope. I've also added the first servlet example deployable using the Ant script (change the property to point to your servlet container).

Full release when I've added more examples and unit tests for the servlet stuff. In the meantime pull the latest stuff from CVS.

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2001-08-21