
Speedball Quick Install / News: Recent posts

Source and DOS Config Info

The new version is out. The source for this version will be released when we complete the new DOS Config program for that version. Expect it around the 27-28.

Posted by Mr. Pig 2005-08-27


The Config program has been ported to VB!!!!!

It will be released with the next version of the installer which, sadly, has not yet begon developement. Porting the installer to C++ has stopped. It will remain in Quick Basic for a while longer, due to speed and other reasons. It will be undergoing a complete overhaul though. The new version will allow us to easily add any new fetures. It will finally have MD5's working, after some harder testing it we noticed that there was a major flaw in our MD5 engine. It will be fixed by the next version.... read more

Posted by Mr. Pig 2005-08-25

Porting to C++ and VB

I will begin porting the installer to C++ and the configurer to VB. This will make the installer smaller, and add a GUI to the configurer.

Posted by Mr. Pig 2005-08-22

Version 0.1.5 Released

This is the first version of Speedball Quick Install. It supports file copying, and file deleting. It also can check the MD5's of copied files. Enjoy!

Posted by Mr. Pig 2005-08-16

Progress Update

All of our orignal plans of been scrapped. All pervious beta versions have been deleted, all members have been lost. We have started from scratch due to lack of participation.

There will be a version release for testing soon, it will support file copying, and file deleting. Hopefully it will also have MD5 scans by it's release.

Posted by Mr. Pig 2005-08-16