
Standards Based Linux Instrumentation / News: Recent posts

SBLIM Java CIM Client

Today the SBLIM project has released the CIM Client for Java version, a maintenance release for 1.3.9. This maintenance release is only required if you are using the CIM Client for Java or earlier on an Android:

3078216 Fix for a null pointer exception in

Posted by Dave Blaschke 2010-09-30

SBLIM JSR48 CIM Client 2.1.6

Today the SBLIM project has released the JSR48 CIM Client for Java version 2.1.6. This release fixes several issues, including some more TCK bugs as well as static analyzer errors/warnings:

3046073 Performance hit due to socket conn. creation with timeout
3048749 Hex digit parsing logic error in XMLPullParser
3028518 Additional StringBuilder use
3027618 Close files/readers in finally blocks
3027615 Use CLASS_ARRAY_T instead of new CIMDataType(CLASS,0)
3036683 HEAD branch ONLY: sync with Experimental branch
3027479 Dead store to local variable
3027392 Nullcheck of value previously dereferenced
3026417 XMLAttributeValue does not use iHash field
3026360 Handle unwritten fields
3026316 XMLPullParser unused fields
3026311 Vacuous comparison of integer value
3026302 CIMDateTimeInterval uses # constructor instead of valueOf
3023349 SLP uses # constructor instead of valueOf
3023348 Listener uses # constructor instead of valueOf
3023340 CIMObjectFactory uses # constructor instead of valueOf
3023145 CharValue uses # constructor instead of valueOf
3023143 CIMXMLParserImpl uses # constructor instead of valueOf
3023141 CIMObjectPath uses # constructor instead of valueOf
3023135 DADescriptor equals/compareTo issue
3023120 RequestDescriptor equals/compareTo issue
3023095 CIMQualifiedElementInterfaceImpl equals/hashCode issue
3022554 Flushing socket ignores skip() return code
3022541 File descriptor leak in sample/unittest
3022524 iSortedValueEntries not serializable in Serializable class
3022519 ServiceLocationAttribute.equals() compares same array
3022501 Possible integer overflow in getTotalUSec
3019252 Methods concatenate strings using + in a loop
3019214 SLP equals methods assume too much
3018178 CIMDateTimeInterval clean up
3004779 TCK: CIMDataType not throwing IllegalArgumentException
3004762 HTTPClient infinite loop for HTTP 407

Posted by Dave Blaschke 2010-09-15

SBLIM JSR48 CIM Client 2.1.5

Today the SBLIM project has released the JSR48 CIM Client for Java version 2.1.5. This release fixes several issues, including some initial TCK bugs:

3001333 CIMMethod class ignores propagated parameter
3001680 CIMQualifierElementInterfaceImpl changes qualifiers
3001359 XMLPullParser.CharString equals() method broken
3001357 CIMDeleteNameSpaceOp name clash
3001353 HttpHeaderParser ignores return value of toLowerCase()
3001345 File handle leaks in HttpSocketFactory and LogAndTraceBroker
3001243 Overview HTML out of date
2997865 Infinite loop in HttpClient
2994776 http 401 gives CIM_ERR_FAILED instead of CIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED
2994252 CIMDateTimeInterval.getTotalMilliseconds() not unit tested
2994249 CIMDateTimeInterval(long) calculates milliseconds
2992349 CIMDateTimeInterval hr/min/sec max is 23/59/59, not 24/60/60
2989424 TCK: CIMDateTimeInterval constructor
2989367 CIMDateTimeInterval(long) constructor range wrong
2990370 Development/unittest HTML out of date
2974884 Exception when attaching 2 CDRoms with invoke method
2978722 PasswordCredential(char[]) constructor is wrong
2975989 TCK: CIMQualifierType constructor does not handle null
2975975 TCK: CIMObjectPath(String) does not handle null
2975917 TCK: CIMClass.getProperty() does not handle null property
2975885 TCK: CIMXXX.hasQualifierValue(null,null) returns true
2973300 TCK: CIMDateTimeXXX.compareTo() does not handle null
2973230 TCK: UnsignedInteger64.equals() does not handle null
2973233 TCK: UnsignedIntegerNN.hashCode() not working
2972697 Fix spelling errors in HTML files

Posted by Dave Blaschke 2010-06-15

SBLIM JSR48 CIM Client 2.1.4

Today the SBLIM project has released the JSR48 CIM Client for Java version 2.1.4. This release is now fully compliant with the latest JSR48 spec (dated Jan 20, 2010). It also fixes several issues:

2970881 Add property to control EmbeddedObject case
2942520 IPv6 link local address with scope_id including a dot not supported
2964463 WBEMClient.initialize() throws wrong exception
2963502 Add XML tracing to sample code
2957387 EmbededObject XML attribute must not be all uppercases
2956716 Jsr48IndicationSample hardcoded namespace
2961592 Remove WBEMClient.setLocales() UnsupportedOperationException
2959586 Sync up WBEMClient javadoc with JSR48 1.0.0
2959264 Sync up javax.client.* javadoc with JSR48 1.0.0
2959240 Sync up javax.listener.* javadoc with JSR48 1.0.0
2959235 Update build.xml copyright year
2959039 Fix WBEMException.toString() logic
2958990 Remove WBEMException.CIM_ERR_TYPE_MISMATCH
2958941 Sync up javax.wbem.* javadoc with JSR48 1.0.0
2913938 Duplicate CIM requests with identical message ID
2946113 First steps code snippet has compile errors
2944830 Fix spelling of checkGranurality()
2944842 Missing thrown ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
2944839 Remove redundant toString() methods
2944833 Need private setValue in UnsignedInteger8
2944826 getUTCOffset() incorrect if not significant field
2944824 Missing getXmlSchemaName() in CIMObjectPath
2944219 Problem with pull operations using client against EMC CIMOM
2935258 Sync up javax.cim.* javadoc with JSR48 1.0.0
2930341 Sync up WBEMClientConstants with JSR48 1.0.0
2927029 Unit test fails on Java 6
2909941 RequestStateChange gives wrong exception/error id
2912490 NullPointerException when invoking getInstance

Posted by Dave Blaschke 2010-03-16

Maint Release: SBLIM JSR48 CIM Client

Today the SBLIM project has released the JSR48 CIM Client for Java version, a maintenance release for 2.1.3. This maintenance release is only required if you are using the new pulled enumeration APIs added in 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 as it fixes one issue:

2944923 Problem with pull operations using client against EMC CIMOM

Posted by Dave Blaschke 2010-02-15

New Release: SBLIM JSR48 CIM Client 2.1.3

Today the SBLIM project has released the JSR48 CIM Client for Java version 2.1.3. This release is now fully compliant with the latest JSR48 spec including full support of the new pulled enumeration APIs. It also fixes several issues:

2912104 Sync up javax.wbem.* with JSR48 1.0.0
2907527 Fix SLP properties issues
2901216 lost IndicationURL for IndcationListener.indicationOccured
2903373 Java doc incorrect
2900875 Javadoc should link to external Java5 Objects / APIs
2886829 JSR48 new APIs: referenceClasses & referenceInstances
2899859 javax.wbem.client missing JSR48 credential/principal APIs
2899389 Password maximum length of 16?
2888774 support POST retry on HTTP error 505
2878054 Pull Enumeration Feature (PULL Parser)
2884718 Merge JSR48 and SBLIM client properties
2882448 Add WBEMClientConstants from JSR48
2858933 JSR48 new APIs: associatorClasses & associatorInstances
2870455 Missing CLASS_ARRAY_T in CIMDataType
2839595 SLP discovery fails on Unix IPv6 systems
2865222 enumerateQualifierTypes shouldn't require a class name
2845128 CIMObjectPath.toString() misses host
2846231 connection failure on CIMOM w/o user/pw
2860081 Pull Enumeration Feature (DOM Parser)

Posted by Dave Blaschke 2009-12-15

New Release: ECUTE Modeler 2.3.16

This is a bug fix release, everyone is encouraged to upgrade the Modeler.
For more information, please refer to the readme.txt file in the download package.

Posted by Waiki Wright 2009-10-21

New Release: ECUTE Exporer 3.0.3

In this release, the major enhancement is the invoke method (a.k.a extrinsic method) of any enumerated instances support. For more information of the changes in this release, please refer to the readme.txt file in the download package

Posted by Waiki Wright 2009-10-21

New Release: sblim-wbemsmt 1.0

In this release, client code has been updated to use the latest libraries and Java versions. Also, both client and provider code has switched to the Eclipse Public License.

Posted by Jeremy Bongio 2009-09-24

New Release: ECUTE Modeler 2.3.15

What is new in the Extensible CIM and UML Tooling Environment (ECUTE) Modeler version 2.3.15?

Features and Bug Fixes in this release:
1. 2492411 Modeler: MOF Export does not preserve the order of elements
2. 1940041 Modeler: Incorrect class in Defined In column of qualifiers
3. 1831691 Modeler: No support for class level qualifier flavors
4. 1708699 Modeler: subassociation cannot define additional key property
5. 1940059 Modeler: Inconsistent display of updates in qualifier dialog
6. 1940056 Modeler: Package path in qualifiers "Defined In" field
7. 1940036 Modeler: Property names in Defined In column of qualifiers
8. 1831675 Modeler: Error message for unknown qualifier can be improved
9. 1826707 Modeler: central include file creation fails... read more

Posted by Waiki Wright 2009-07-17

New Release: SBLIM Java CIM Client 1.3.9

Today the SBLIM project has released the CIM Client for Java release 1.3.9. This release is identical to 1.3.8 except that the project's license has been changed from CPL to EPL.

Posted by Dave Blaschke 2009-06-22

New Release: sblim-wbemsmt 0.5.6

- Support for managing Linux iptables has been added through the wbemsmt-firewall service.
- Maintenance release.

Posted by Jeremy Bongio 2009-06-18

New Release: SFCB 1.3.4

SFCB 1.3.4 was released this week. This is a bugfix release. SFCB 1.3.x users are encouraged to upgrade.

Posted by Chris Buccella 2009-06-17

New Release: SBLIM JSR48 CIM Client 2.1.1

Today the SBLIM project has released the JSR48 CIM Client for Java release 2.1.1. This release is now fully compliant with the latest JSR48 spec - minus pulled enumeration support - and fixes several issues:

2806362 Missing new CIMDateTimeAbsolute.getUTCOffset() method
2797550 Make code compatible with JSR48 / Java Generics
2797696 Input files use unchecked or unsafe operations
2795671 Add Type to Comparable <T>
2799260 Fix left over @author tag from Java5 upgrade
2798931 Fix spelling of WBEMListenerFactory.getPROTOCOLS()
2791860 Export instance to mof, wrong syntax
2787464 lang exception in Chinese env with Java client 2.0.7
2784078 Code cleanup:
2763216 Code cleanup: visible spelling/grammar errors
2750520 Code cleanup from empty statement et al
2714989 Code cleanup from redundant null check et al

Posted by Dave Blaschke 2009-06-15

New Releases: CMPI Providers (License Change)

The following providers have been made available under the Eclipse Public License:


The change from the Common Public License to the Eclipse Public License better facilitates the acceptance of community contributions into these packages. Please report any bugs on the tracker and direct any questions to the sblim-devel mailing list.

Posted by Tyrel Datwyler 2009-06-03

New Release: ECUTE Explorer

What is new in the Extensible CIM and UML Tooling Environment (ECUTE) Explorer version

Features and Bug Fixes in this release:
1. 2784471 Explorer: Lang Exception in Chinese localization env

Posted by Waiki Wright 2009-05-06

New Release: ECUTE Modeler 2.3.14

What is new in the Extensible CIM and UML Tooling Environment (ECUTE) Modeler version 2.3.14?

Features and Bug Fixes in this release:
1. 2492403 Modeler: MOF Export has no user defined file header
2. 2492407 Modeler: MOF Export should handle x0D0A in literal str value
3. 2492419 Modeler: MOF Export formatting has flaws

In this release, we heavily revised the formatting of the CIM MOF file when Exporting.
For more information about the qualifiers order, formatting rules and examples, please
refer to the "MOF Format Rules.pdf".
The ECUTE CIM MOF Export wizard has a new option for user defined header.
For more information, please refer to the
"ECUTE Modeler-CIM MOF Import & Export userguide.pdf" file

Posted by Waiki Wright 2009-04-15

New Release: SBLIM Plugin Extension for CIM 1.0.0

Today the SBLIM project has released the Plugin Extension for CIM version 1.0.0. This package provides a means for delivering CIM based indications to a CIMOM from Nagios monitoring Plugins. This package was developed and kindly donated to the SBLIM project by Intel under the terms of the Eclipse Public License. You can find source code in the download area named sblim-cmpi-pec.

Posted by Tyrel Datwyler 2009-03-20

New Release: SBLIM JSR48 CIM Client 2.1.0

SBLIM (pronounced "sublime"), the Standards Based Linux Instrumentation for Manageability is an IBM-initiated Open Source project, intended to enhance the manageability of GNU/Linux systems. It does so by enabling WBEM, Web Based Enterprise Management.

Today the SBLIM project has released the JSR48 CIM Client for Java release 2.1.0. NOTE: This release requires Java 5, previous (2.0.x) releases required Java 1.4. This release also fixes several issues:... read more

Posted by Dave Blaschke 2009-03-16

New Release: sblim-cmpi-devel 2.0.0

The SBLIM project has released version 2.0.0 of the sblim-cmpi-devel headers and C++ wrapper library. This is major release that brings the package in compliance with the 2.0 CMPI standard.

Changes in 2.0.0

New Features:
1702153 enablement for CMPI 2.0 standard

Posted by Tyrel Datwyler 2009-03-02

New Release: sblim-gather-2.1.9

The SBLIM project has release version 2.1.9 of the metric gatherer package. This is a maintenance release.

Changes in Version 2.1.9

Bugs fixed:
- 2508615 Fixed add CMPIStatus to indication function return
- 1942072 sblim-gather doesn't build with glibc-2.8
- 2655431 Added <stdio.h> to cimplugLocalFilesystem
- 2655422 Fixed metricOS plugin reads from wrong end of stderr pipe
- 2655459 Fixed Need AM_PROG_CC_C_O for reposdump.c

Posted by Tyrel Datwyler 2009-03-02

New Release: sblim-cmpi-base 1.5.9

The SBLIM project has released version 1.5.9 of the sblim-cmpi-base instrumentation package. This is a maintenance release.

Changes in Version 1.5.9

Bugs Fixed:
- 2508592 add CMPIStatus to indication function return
- 2634178 Versioned libcmpiOSBase_OperatingSystemProvider

Posted by Tyrel Datwyler 2009-03-02

New Release: sblim-cmpi-devel 1.0.6

The SBLIM project has released version 1.0.6 of the sblim-cmpi-devel package. This is a maintenance release that fixes a couple CMPI standard conformance issues.

Changes in 1.0.6

Bugs fixed:
- 2128836 Fixed C++ IndicationMI out of line with cmpift.h
- 2508518 Fixed Indication function table out of line with spec
- 2647590 Fixed change enum to enumerate in FT's

Posted by Tyrel Datwyler 2009-03-02

SBLIM: New Release SFCC 2.2.0

SBLIM (pronounced "sublime"), the Standards Based Linux Instrumentation for Manageability is an IBM-initiated Open Source project, intended to enhance the manageability of GNU/Linux systems. It does so by enabling WBEM, Web Based Enterprise Management.

In conjunction with the release of SFCB 1.3.3, SFCC has a new release as well. There are some minor bugfixes. See NEWS for details.

Posted by Chris Buccella 2009-02-18

New Release: SFCB 1.3.3

SFCB 1.3.3 introduces a few new features and numerous bugfixes. Features of note are improvements for Unix domain socket connections and increased capability of the test suite. Also, a new utility sfcbinst2mof, allows sfcbrepos to retain CIM instances persisted to disk. README has updates on all the new stuff.

Bug fixes in this release largely focused around security and concurrency issues.

Posted by Chris Buccella 2009-02-18