

Ross B.
  • Ross B.

    Ross B. - 2010-02-08

    I am receiving a validation exception due to a double being serialized in the
    form "2,3456" (thanks Germany), which seems to be causing an xpath to fail on
    that value, likely because it is doing a numeric comparison ">". I understand
    why this would be the case and I'm fine with the exception. My problem is that
    this exception is not within the namespace of the saxon library or in the base
    .net libraries. I found some documentation here: [


    Am I to assume that this is the exception that is being thrown? Using latest
    he version for .net.

  • Michael Kay

    Michael Kay - 2010-02-09

    This will be an instance of net.sf.saxon.type.ValidationException, which is a
    Java class mapped to a .NET type using the IKVMC compiler. Ideally when you
    use the Saxon.Api interfaces under .NET, all exceptions from the underlying
    code should be mapped to something like Saxon.Api.StaticError or
    Saxon.Api.DynamicError; however, I'm sure there are many cases where this is
    not happening (it's difficult to do it systematically because of the lack of
    strong exception handling in C#). If there are specific cases, however, then
    please show the code you are running and the results that you get, and I will
    try to improve it.

  • Ross B.

    Ross B. - 2010-02-09

    Ok fair enough. Here is an odd example:
    <property name="PercentProcessorTime" value="99,294351" type="System.Single" unit="Percent"/>
    Error during processing:
    net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Required item type of first operand of '>'
    is numeric. Cannot convert string "99,294351" to a double

    Error during processing:
    ValidationException: Cannot convert string "99,294351" to a double

  • Ross B.

    Ross B. - 2010-02-09

    I could use reflection to inspect the type name of the exception but since it
    looks like there is not a specific exception to catch, I will catch all and
    just log it. Thanks. For anyone else encountering this issue with incorrect
    serialization in .net of numeric values you can use the following
    Convert.ToString(value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo). This will take any
    unusual number formatting and convert it to a standard format that should be
    compatible with xml types.

  • Michael Kay

    Michael Kay - 2010-02-10

    I assume you are using the XPath API (Saxon.Api.XPathSelector), though you
    haven't actually said. I've now added some error catching to the methods in
    this class so that they throw a Saxon.Api.DynamicError instead of the
    underlying Java exception; the error handling is also better documented.

  • Ross B.

    Ross B. - 2010-02-11

    Yes I was using XPathSelector as part of an editor I wrote for developing
    xpath/xquery/xsd/xslt. Thanks for the quick responses!