
sambascan2 / News: Recent posts

Project configuration and upcomming version .

I just found in December 2010 there was a Bug posted in December 2009! Oops!

So I made some updates in the project here at I turned off the forum, and removed one of the trackers. New trackers shouldn't be unnoticed for to long, as I configured them. Hope the communication will be better now.

Version 0.5.0 is nearly ready. You may test the svn version, if you like.

Posted by Claudio Clemens 2011-02-01

Negative Rating

Hi raters. I just saw a negative rating here. That's ok, but I would appreciate if you leave a comment, even if the rate is negative, so I can make sambascan2 better. I know it is not perfect, but I need to know what is missing.

Posted by Claudio Clemens 2010-03-31

Version 0.5 is comming

Hi all, I just want to inform you, that I'm working in Version 0.5, which wil contain some bugfixes and some new features. It has a minor code review too. Please be patient...

Posted by Claudio Clemens 2010-03-31

First SF release

sambascan2 is now released on SF. I'll be moving my sambascan2 homepage ( to SourceForge. Here I hope to spread sambascan2 better, and maybe receive some feedback and ideas, in how to develop it further. Feel free to send me comments, about the code, the features or the packaging of sambascan2.

Posted by Claudio Clemens 2009-08-07