
RSSOwl ver. 0.82b released

RSSOwl is a RSS / RDF / Atom Newsreader written in Java using SWT as fast graphic library. Read News in a tabfolder, save favorites in categories, Export to PDF / RTF / HTML / OPML, Import Feeds from OPML, perform fulltext-search, use internal browser. The next version of RSSOwl is available. Finally, loading any number of feeds and aggregations is now running completly in the background allowing to open feeds while a loading is running. This not only removes the annoying "Please wait..." dialog, but also improves the performance when loading aggregations. A comparison of time it takes loading the 130 sample favorites resulted in 14.5 seconds for RSSOwl 0.82b and 90.5 seconds for earlier versions.

Improved handling of protected newsfeeds. It is now possible to let RSSOwl remember username and password so that the user does not have to enter these information everytime the feed is loading.

A lot of bugs have been fixed. Thanks for the feedback!

See the changelog for a complete list of changes.

May the owl be with you,

Posted by Anonymous 2004-08-18

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