
bug: read items persist in tab after marked read and with "show unread news" selected

  • GODisaRefuge4Us

    GODisaRefuge4Us - 2014-03-07

    Hello. I really like RSS Owl. You guys have done a really fine job with it.

    I am able to repeat this bug. Here is what I am doing:

    I have "Show Unread News" selected.
    In the View menu, I have "tabbed browsing" selected.

    I click on a Feed/folder, and the folder is displayed as a tab.

    When I mark several articles as read, the article count next to the folder decreases as expected, and the icon next to article changes to indicate "read" as expected.

    Then I click on a another tab, and then I return to the original tab. Upon returning to the original tab, the articles that I marked as "read" are still displayed. That's the bug.

    Two workarounds:
    1) Select "show all news" and then re-select "show unread news", or
    2) Close the tab, and reopen it.

    Doing either of the above will remove the "read" articles from the display.

    If I turn-off "tabbed browsing" in the View menu, then articles marked as "read" are removed from the display when I leave a folder and return to the same folder. I am expecting this same behavior when I leave a tab and return to the same tab.

    It seems that when I click between folders, the contents of the folders are refreshed. However, when I click between tabs, the contents of the tabs are NOT refreshed.

    Is that by design? Or is it a bug?

    Thanks for checking into this.

    Below is the latest info from my logfile:

    !SESSION 2014-03-06 23:00:25.562 -----------------------------------------------
    java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
    BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=en_US
    Command-line arguments: -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86

    !ENTRY org.rssowl.ui 1 0 2014-03-06 23:00:25.937
    !MESSAGE RSSOwl Starting Up (RSSOwl/ (Windows; U; en))

    !ENTRY org.rssowl.ui 1 0 2014-03-06 23:05:18.187
    !MESSAGE Error Log Exported


    Last edit: GODisaRefuge4Us 2014-03-07
  • GODisaRefuge4Us

    GODisaRefuge4Us - 2014-03-07

    To give you a visual of what I am experiencing, attached is a video clip of the bug. In this example, I am using the "Science" folder. There are 22 unread articles in it. I mark the articles in the "last week" section as "read". Then the Science feed count changes to 14 articles, but all 22 articles are still displayed. I move to the Technology tab, and then back to the Science tab. The read articles are still displayed. Then I close the Science tab and reopen it. Now the read articles are gone.


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