
Freezing Up Of RSSOwl With Window 8 and 8.1

  • TeenInfoNet

    TeenInfoNet - 2014-01-03

    I am new to this forum so please forgive me if this has been addressed previously and I was unable to find it after searching the forum.

    The issue I am having is that RSSOwl is freezing up at various times when using Windows 8 and 8.1. What happens is that I will click a folder and if at the same time it is attempting to update the feeds then it will stop responding for about a minute or a little longer. This has been happening with all updated versions since the last one before Windows 8 came out.

    Also while it is updating the feeds it will sometimes freeze at around 40% and the again at around 70% completion.

    I am not sure what the issue may be concerning this. I do have a lot of feeds in RSSOwl but I never had an issue with this until Windows 8. I have tried running RSSOwl in various compatibility modes but I still see the same issue happening. I do have RSSOwl set up for very fast updates

    Is there something that can be done concerning this or is this a known issue? I am hoping that this is something simple that I am overlooking in the settings.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-05-24

    Yes it has a few niggles in windows 8. I too have tried run as admin and win 7 prev settings..

    it tends to lock up when the feeds stored get over a certain size. Have you tried the clean up function in the tool pull down first? dont delete feeds not accessed 20 days.

    first I would export feeds and prefs to a back up file though.
    still no good.

    also try deleting all the feed database.. select all delete then import the
    feeds from the exported back up

    the new problem I have found in windows 8 is it will hang when clicking anything like a item... work aroudn for that was to first export the feeds to a dumy file which can be deleted then clicking resumes normally..

    very weird. it didnt have this problem but maybe some java or check done by the program is causing it now


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