rollsomedice - 2013-04-19

first of all thank you very much for this great piece of software!

I have to syncronise 2 RSS Owl installations on a xp netbook and a win7 desktop pc.
the import export funktion via opml export doesent work for me cause i will keep some read news for later use.

normaly i do a incremental backup of the ´.rssowl2 folder
this workds perfectly till yesterday.

i did a update on both machines. i imported the files from the win7 pc to the xp pc.
the problem is that the xp pc has the old status of the feeds and files so i got no changes as i normaly expected.

if i delete the content of the folder and copy all files ( a full backup of the win7 not a incremental) i have the same effeckt...

is there another solution?
Thank you very much for your time and help