
Saved searches stopped indexing?

  • sg2002

    sg2002 - 2013-05-08

    Hello. Yesterday, while I had RSSOwl running, my computer crashed and now my saved searches stopped indexing old items.

    Restoring from a backup file didn't help. Is there some kind of saved search cache that is stored somewhere away from RSSOwl database itself?

    UPD: Hmm. That's not only my saved searches that got screwed, my folders stopped working propretly too.
    UPD2: Luckily, I have a script that fixes that, but it's the ugliest hack ever - just marks all the unread items as NEW and that updates saved search counters. So my question to the developers is - what's the proper way to manually reset folder/saved search counters assuming our feed counters are fine?


    Last edit: sg2002 2013-05-08
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-05-09

    Search for "reindex" on this page:

  • sg2002

    sg2002 - 2013-05-09

    Oh, thanks totally missed that part. Also thanks for the great app. ;-)


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