
Help!! Configuration on pc with several users

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi, i have a Windows XP PRO SP2 computer and i need that when i install the RSSOwl on it, the initial settings (ie. show in windows taskbar, etc) be the same for every user that seats on that machine.

    How can i do that?


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2006-03-11

      I am not sure for the windows taskbar, but for the Startmenu entry you would have to copy the "RSSOwl" folder from to "All Users" in documents and settings folder.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks again Ben for your valuable help, but i didn't understand what you're telling me, can you be more explicit? ( Sorry :) )


      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2006-03-13

        Change the link to RSSOwl to something like:

        "rssowl.exe -profile C:/rssowl"

        and put that into the account that is visible for all users, e.g. "Documents and Settings / All Users".

        This call will force RSSowl to save settings into C:/rssowl so that you can share settings for all users.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks Ben what you said it's totally right, but by default when you click on the close button the rssowl closes, it doesn't stays active so i have to go to the preferences menu and select that option for my user and for every user that logs to that PC.

      My specific question is, ¿is there a way that i only have to select that option once and it remains for every user of that pc? (Because on that pc i have several users at different times and i don't want to configure the rssowl every time a different user seats on it)

      Thanks again for your help.


      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2006-03-12

        This FAQ answer should help:

        In order to tell RSSOwl in which directory to store settings (profile) you have to execute RSSOwl like this:
        "javaw -Duser.home=[Path to Dir] -Djava.library.path=. -jar rssowl.jar"

        The [Path to Dir] must point to an existing directory. Windows user are able to use the "-profile [Path to Dir]" parameter to the "rssowl.exe".

        Just use the same profile for all users.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks again Ben for your valuable help, but i didn't understand what you're telling me, can you be more explicit? ( Sorry :) )


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