
adding podcast features

  • asdffdsafdsaasdf

    hello and thanks for a great product. very happy with it.
    i would like to suggest that rssowl is not so good for poscasting.
    for example,
    i would like to add a few columns to rssowl.
    for a given rss item:
    - to be able to see if the the audio/video attachment file has been downloaded, what size it is and the duration of the attachment. perhaps the color of the attachment icon would change color if the attachment has been downloaded.
    - to click on the attachment icon and it would auto-play the attachment.
    --- internal audio/video player embedded into the toolbar.
    --- for each attachment, rssowl would remember at what point in time i paused the attachment, so i could listen to later.

    i think that a few simple changes like this would greatly enhance rssowl.

    thanks much,

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-08-07

    good ideas, noted on the backlog


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