
Remember column sizes

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-06-25

    I was disappointed to see that remember column sizes may not now be added to M10 - as was promised a long time ago -

    It's the one little thing that I find lacking in RSSOwl. Title is often truncated and Author + Category have more far more space than they need. Is there any way for users to change this?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2009-07-05

      Would it help you if you where able to hide the author and category column for selected feeds to get more space for the title column? This will be supported in M10. Also note that I have optimized the column widths to let title have the most width (thus author and category are a little reduced in overall size).

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2009-07-06

        Not really - I'd want to see author + category for all feeds. I'd find it distracting that some feeds displayed them and others not.

        I'm running the latest nightly (20090705) and this is an example of what I see: - as you can see some titles are truncated while there is much more space than is needed for author + category.

        It's not a massive issue - it's just the only thing that stops RSSOwl being 'perfect' for me. :)

        • Anonymous

          Anonymous - 2009-07-07

          Yes I can see the issue here. Maybe I can do something about it for 2.0, but cant promise.

          • Anonymous

            Anonymous - 2009-07-07

            OK, thanks.


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