
Unicode search doesn't work

  • oltolm

    oltolm - 2010-11-30

    I use RSSOwl 2.0.6 on Windows XP SP3 and I really like it. But it seems that
    it has a bug. Unicode search doesn't work. If I search for ASCII words then it
    works. If I search for a Japanese word then it doesn't find anything. This
    makes it almost impossible to use RSSOwl.

  • Nekomusume

    Nekomusume - 2014-07-23

    This bug still exists, but I have narrowed it down a little. Hopefully enough that somebody may consider doing something about it. <fingers crossed="">

    It's not a complete failure - you can search for a single character (for example '無') just fine, it only fails if you search for a combination of two or more characters.


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