
RPM Wizard 0.6.8 released

RPM Wizard is an easy to use installation tool for RPM packages. Release 0.6.8 features a new installation method and a slightly new look.

You can now install packages from your distribution CDs by choosing the package name from a list, i.e. you don't have to know on which CD the package is, just pick the name from the list and you will be prompted for the appropriate CD. This release also fixes some bugs.

RPM Wizard is a project that tries to make installing easier for users new to Linux and RPM while also being an efficient tool for more advanced users. It includes features such as automatic dependency handling using a premade database of the content of the distribution CDs, the option to put a shortcut on the desktop and starting the program after the installation has finished.

The new release can be downloaded at

Posted by Magnus Bjorklof 2002-09-24

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