Kevin Gabbert - 2006-09-16

9.15.06 - Sensor stability has always been my highest priority with
      this app. I have forsaken many a whiz bang feature so that
      the app can report accurately on Roomba's sensor polls.

      Now, I don't consider myself a programming wizard, but I try
      to nail it down the best I can. You guys can do any refactoring
      if I am a bit verbose, so I Fixed my "Sync Byte" code. It wasn't
      working working as advertised.

      Today, I had a Roomba continuously giving me trash data
      at the start of the packet that needed to be filtered out.
      Roomba doesn't do it all the time, he just has these little
      "tantrums" that come and go.  When I originally wrote the code,
      I had to do it from a past observation, this time I was actually
      able to test & nail down the fix while it was actually happening.