
ROBODoc 4.0.18 Released

ROBODoc is a documentation tool. It extracts the documentation from comment-headers in the source code and formats it in HTML, RTF, LaTeX, ASCII, or XML DocBook. It works with C, C++, Perl, shell scripts, Tcl, Fortran, and many other languages that support remarks.

Release 4.0.18 is the new stable release. Compared to 4.0.6 the following changes have been made:

You now can define your own header types. This means you can now document anything you like unittest script, make rules, or recipes. This is done with the headertype block in the robodoc.rc file. In HTML mode the master index is split-up into several smaller indexes, one per header type. This is especially handy with large projects. Singledoc mode now also uses cascading style sheets and it is possible to define your own cascading style sheet that is used instead of the built-in CSS. The new option --rc allows you to specify an alternative configuration file. This makes it easy to quickly generate your documentation in several formats. A lock mode (--lock) was added. Per source file ROBODoc locks on the first headermarker it finds and will recognize only that particular headermarker for the remaining part of the file. In addition it locks on the first remark marker in each header and will recognize only that particular remark marker for the remaining part of the header. Markers
were added for Aspen Custom Modeler (ACM), Fortran, VB, and for DB/C. It is now allowed to have a documentation directory that is a subdirectory of the source directory. The documentation directory is skipped while ROBODoc scans for source files. Wildcard expressions can be used to tell ROBODoc which files and directories not to scan for documentation. The manual has been updated and extended.

The next stable release of ROBODoc will include a scripting interface using the Lua language.

Posted by Frans Slothouber 2004-01-07

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