
Option --completesource wished

  • Dimitry Polivaev


    thanks a lot for your great program. I helps me to document my perl scripts so that they become small tutorials for my colleagues. For using your program in this sence I have to provide that every line of the source code is copied into the resulting document (this goes in direction known as "literate programming").

    Currently I have to use a potentially dangerous workaround:

    I finish each ROBODoc header with line

    # SOURCE

    and start each following Header with doubled marker line


    ("S" is a self defined type "Source")

    The problem is that if I forgot to use sone of this lines, some parts of the code would be omited in the documentation.

    This brings me ty my proposal:
      * a new option --completesource should make every line of source code to be placed in the documenation
      * The section order must not be changed if this option is used (implicit --nosort)
      * If the first header in some file is placed after some lines of code, a warning shall be printed in the output.

    I hope that you consider this proposal providding a new way of using your program.

    Best regards, Dimitry

    • Thuffir

      Thuffir - 2007-06-14

      I make a feature request of this.


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