
#6 Background

Generator (2)

A generator for the background options.


Feature Requests: #6


  • Daniel Nettesheim

    Please provide more information about your idea. Can you describe some use cases?

  • Daniel Nettesheim

    • status: open --> pending
  • Daniel Nettesheim

    Waiting for better feature description

  • Margaret Boas

    Margaret Boas - 2016-04-17

    I'm not the original poster, but here is an issue I would like to see fixed:

    I use Talents and Flaws, but I use the point buy system whereby characters receive 10 points in talent points for each background option. Thus, a Comman Man would get sixty (60) points in background options to spend. I also allow players to purchase flaws to increase the number of talents they can get.

    Unfortunately, the current program does not allow this, depsite the fact that all of the talents and flaws list point costs, including minor and major versions.

    When I try to buy, for example, four talents with a total cost of 60 points (for a Common Man), the program will not allow me to continue to the next phase of character generation. It forces me to pick two additional talents, even though I have already "spent" my available 60 points. But, if I pick six random talents, for a point value of anywhere from 30 points (for six 5-point talents) to 200+ points (for six talents in the 30-50 point range each).

    Buying talents with points is the most common way to use the Talents and Flaws that I have ever encountered, so why is this not an available option? Or is there some "button" somewhere I'm not seeing that allows me to overide the "pick X number of talents" and continue with the process?

    Thanks in advance. As someone who has been playing Rolemaster for decades, having a program my players can use to run the numbers would be great, but if it won't accomodate the point-buy method of doing Talents and Flaws, I can't use it.

    • Daniel Nettesheim

      Sorry, currently I'm not in development anymore. I just maintain it.
      I'd suggest that you just turn off the level up mode and use a pen to count the points.

  • Daniel Nettesheim

    • status: pending --> closed
    • Group: --> Future

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