
rjudge Judge System / News: Recent posts

rctl: 0.2.2 available

rctl is a core tool of rjudge which is designed to judge problems in the Olympiad in Informatics. It can be also used in other judgers.

In 0.2.2 release, we fixed a bug of time limitation.

If you have any problem or you find any bug, please contact the developers or e-mail to <>.

Posted by Wentai ZHANG 2009-05-12

rctl: 0.2.1 available

rctl is a core tool of rjudge which is designed to judge problems in the Olympiad in Informatics. It can be also used in other judgers.

In 0.2.1 release, we fixed a bug of waitpid(). Sometimes, it will return -1 without any symptom.

If you have any problem or you find any bug, please contact the developers or e-mail to <>.

Posted by Wentai ZHANG 2009-03-08

rctl: 0.2.0 available

rctl is a core tool of rjudge which is designed to judge problems in the Olympiad in Informatics. It can be also used in other judgers.

In 0.2.0 release, we added the function of output limitation. Thanks to macbon for his advice.

If you have any problem or you find any bug, please contact the developers or e-mail to <>.

Posted by Wentai ZHANG 2009-02-16

rctl: 0.1.4 available

rctl is a core tool of rjudge which is designed to judge problems in the Olympiad in Informatics. It can be also used in other judgers.

In 0.1.4 release, we fixed a bug of printing. To be more detailed, rctl may print 'SIGXCPU' when your program have not been sent this signal to.

If you have any problem or you find any bug, please contact the developers or e-mail to <>.

Posted by Wentai ZHANG 2009-01-03

rctl: 0.1.3 available

rctl is a core tool of rjudge which is designed to judge problems in the Olympiad in Informatics. It can be also used in other judgers.

In 0.1.3 release, we fixed a bug and rewrote some files. It is the last version of rctl in 2008. In the next year, we will continue developing.

If you have any problem or you find any bug, please contact the developers or e-mail to <>.

Posted by Wentai ZHANG 2008-12-26

rctl: 0.1.2 available

rctl is a core tool of rjudge which is designed to judge problems in the Olympiad in Informatics. It can be also used in other judgers.

In 0.1.2 release, we fixed many bugs. It is the first stable version of rctl. Since then, we will pause in the development of rctl. We need to start the development of rjudge.

If you have any problem or you find any bug, please contact the developers or e-mail to <>.

Posted by Wentai ZHANG 2008-10-24