
Gnuplot for Ruby / News: Recent posts

Project restarted on another site is the new home for this project.

Posted by Gordon Miller 2004-11-11

Project has been discontinued

I have decided, after a couple of years of using gnuplot and ruby, that this project doesn't do anything meaningful. Ruby has such great facilities for string manipulation and IPC that this library just seems redundant.

Posted by Gordon Miller 2004-01-11

Bug in MatrixDataSet fixed

I've uploaded a bug fix to the MatrixDataSet which fixes a problem if any of the data values are nil.

Posted by Gordon Miller 2003-02-12

0.5 Release

Version 0.5 has been released. This version introduces a different way of associating DataSet classes with their source classes.

Posted by Gordon Miller 2003-02-07

CVS Update

I've done an update of the CVS repository. This introduces a change in the way that PlotItems are created which I think makes it easier to use gnuplot in an interactive mode.

Posted by Gordon Miller 2003-01-29

Debian Packages

John Swinbank has volunteered to manage debian packages for rgnuplot. The debian package for version 0.4 has been uploaded to Sourceforge

Posted by Gordon Miller 2002-12-30

CVS update

I've updated the package with some fundamental changes. To begin with, all of the ruby code has been consolidated into a single file Gnuplot.rb. I've also updated the demo.rb and gotten rid of some files.

Posted by Gordon Miller 2002-10-26

CVS repository now up to date

It looks like I've figured out the CVS repository. It now contains the most up to date version of RubyGnuplot and will continue to be updated as I work on it.

Posted by Gordon Miller 2002-06-10

CVS repository troubles

I'm having problems working with the CVS repository up here on sourceforge. Because of this, the code for 0.3 is NOT in CVS. I'm working on this and will post a message as soon as it is fixed.

Posted by Gordon Miller 2002-06-10