
Rgedit as python equivalent

  • Robin Young

    Robin Young - 2012-12-07


    I use Rgedit extensively for R programming as it's very straightforward and neat to use. Is there a python equivalent that could do exactly the same based in gedit? At the moment, there are some clunky alternative approaches that i use, but if i could send text from gedit in the same way for Python  that i can do for R it would be far easier than having to learn different editors etc,

  • Dan Dediu

    Dan Dediu - 2012-12-07


    actually, the new version that I'm working on (and hopefully finish during this holiday season :) ) allows users to define other interactive console programs such as octave (and python. but I did not test that yet).


  • Robin Young

    Robin Young - 2012-12-10


    Great, many thanks for the reply and i'll follow the site for the updated version,

    Thanks again,

  • Dan Dediu

    Dan Dediu - 2013-01-08

    Hi Robin,

    did you try 0.8 with a Python profile?


  • Robin Young

    Robin Young - 2013-05-22

    Hi Dan,

    Apologies for the lengthy delay in replying. I was initially having various issues with my server/ubuntu versions and until these were finalized and stable i was reluctant to try and add in the updates of Rgedit to run Python. Going back to this, i have tried the latest Rgedit version to run with the Python profile and as far as i can tell so far it works exactly as hoped. Many thanks for the comments and the Rgedit package itself, as it really is such a neat way to edit and run code in a simple way,

    Thanks again,


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