
Suggestions & Ideas

Dan Dediu
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  • Dan Dediu

    Dan Dediu - 2011-01-09

    I installed gedit for mac on OS X 10.6 and copied your files to the plugins directory. It's shown on the plugins list, but if I try to select it it greys out. I don't know if there is errors are logged in gedit, but if so I'll be more than happy to share the logfile with you and fiddle around a bit.

    Thanks Joost!

    if you start gedit from a command prompt then error messages should be shown in that console - nothing fancier than that I'm afraid :) It would be very interesting to see why the plug-in fails to start: the easiest would be if it misses some libraries, but let's see what the errors are…

    Thanks again,

  • Philip Leifeld

    Philip Leifeld - 2011-05-02


    rgedit is great! but you should add gnome 3 support. the gedit plugin folder is now in /usr/lib/gedit/plugin/, and the .plugin files have a slightly different structure. I changed  to  and IAge=2 to IAge=3 (whatever that means), which displayed the plugin in gedit. however, I could not activate the plugin; when ticking the checkbox, gedit crashed. you should definitely add gnome 3 support because many major distros will soon ugrade to gnome 3.

  • Mateusz Kaduk

    Mateusz Kaduk - 2011-05-02

    Dear leifeld,

    I was talking with Den about Gedit3.
    First of all, I doubt that all major distributions will totally replace gnome2 with gnome3. There are many bad opinions about usability of that platform. IMHO it was designed a bit behind scenes. Recent Ubuntu released is based on gnome 2.3x and Debian's gnome is in experimental. I also switched back to gnome 2.3x because my productivity dropped with gnome-shell, I was unable to simply manage files and do things that was MUCH easier in gnome 2.3x. However, gedit3 is something else then gnome3 and porting would be nice, since new application design and many redesigned components are cleaner and introduce nice features.
    Nevertheless, it's not that simple to port it, first of all now gedit3 uses a separate library to handle plugins, python classes inherit from different class (perspective), next this is not gtk2 but gtk3 application and finally gobject-introspection is used instead of gtk2 bindings.
    It seems like a quite lot of work to port plugin or maybe even rewrite it, even latex plug and many third party gedit plugins are not ported yet, at least I know that for LaTeX plugin the work is in progress.

    So as You can see "gedit3" (gnome3 is something else, gedit3 can run in xfce) support is not a support but completly new plugin imho.

    And its a opportunity to clean up the code a bit ;) Use GtkBuilder instead of Glade etc…

  • Philip Leifeld

    Philip Leifeld - 2011-05-02

    ok, I didn't know it would be so much work. I just thought adding a few lines would do the trick, and this would greatly enhance future usability. I'll check out some alternatives then. Thanks, though.

  • Mateusz Kaduk

    Mateusz Kaduk - 2011-05-02

    Dear Leifeld,

    I don't know about any distribution that turned up completely and by default to gnome3, can tell which distro are You using ?
    Plugin still works perfectly with gedit2 and in latest Ubuntu.

  • Michael DeNieu

    Michael DeNieu - 2011-06-08

    Hi kaduk,

    Fedora 15, which released at the end of May, has gnome3 by default. If there is a way to run it with gnome2 I'm not aware of it. I realize that Fedora is one of the earliest if not the first to adopt gnome3, but from what I understand more distros will be heading that direction eventually as the gnome project is no longer developing gnome2. I believe a similar thing is happening with ubuntu and unity. I have tried many different distros, but have always come back to Fedora. I know that gnome3 is still fairly controversial, but I like it and I don't plan to switch back to an earlier release of Fedora for gnome2.

    As a graduate student, I use R a lot for analysis and have been extremely happy with the simplicty of Rgedit as compared to other editors. I understand that a complete recoding is probably not an exciting proposition and could understand if the plugin was not made available for gedit 3, but if it were, I would use it.

    Anyway, thanks Dan for the great plugin!

  • Dan Dediu

    Dan Dediu - 2011-06-09

    Hi Michael,

    sorry for not being active for such a long while :(
    Anyway, I am using Fedora 15 myself (Xfce and not Gnome3 it's true, as I can' yet get used to this new concept :) ) and as it happens I have been working on a port of rgedit to Gtk3 and gedit3 for the last month.
    The port is almost ready, most of the major features work except for some annoying bugs which I hope to fix in the next couple of weeks. I have to say that the porting was not easy mostly due to a lack of good documentation but that's life :)

    I'll see how the bug fixing goes but I might, if you think it's a good idea, releease an early alpha version sometime next week jut to allow people like you to continue using rgedit until I manage to get everything working.


  • Dan Dediu

    Dan Dediu - 2011-06-15

    Hi Michael,

    I just released the initial port of rgedit to Gtk3 (version which is *NOT* the default download because I assume most people still use gedit2. Please have a go at it and let me know if you find any bugs.


  • Michael DeNieu

    Michael DeNieu - 2011-06-16

    Hi Dan,

    That's excellent. I've been a bit busy at the Summer Institute for Statistical Genetics, but I'll try to download it this week and give it a try. I appreciate the update!



  • Dryden

    Dryden - 2011-07-08

    Hi Dan,

    I just wanted to thank you for creating a great code editor plugin for R. I'm relatively new to both R and Ubuntu alike, but this code editor seems to have a superb combination of functionality, simplicity, and speed.
    I wish I could be of more help with suggestions, but regardless I still wanted to thank you for your efforts.

  • Dan Dediu

    Dan Dediu - 2011-07-09

    Hi mullenkamp,

    I'm glad you like it. Any comments/suggestions are welcome :)


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-08-14

    Octave community (at least I desperately) needs such a plugin. Do you consider adopting your plugin also for octave?

  • Dan Dediu

    Dan Dediu - 2011-08-14

    Octave community (at least I desperately) needs such a plugin. Do you consider adopting your plugin also for octave?


    I don't personally know/use Octave but your suggestion looks like a really good one :) Indeed, after looking at Xoctave I understand you :)

    Now, to the practicalities: I will install Octave and take a look at it but it will probably be much better if the two of us could collaborate on this. I am willing to learn something about Octave (I might even use it in my own work), but I will probably not reach your level any time soon.

    Please let me know what you think,

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-08-15

    Sure, I would like to help you whenever you need.

  • Dan Dediu

    Dan Dediu - 2011-08-16

    Ok then I think the first and major decision is (and this for anybody using rgedit):

    - should (1) rgedit be extended to also support Octave in addition to R (through some options.tweaks) or (2) would it make more sense to have a different (but almost identical) plugin dedicated just to Ocatve?

    From my point of view (1) seems better both from the points of view of usability and development.

    What do you guys think?


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-08-19

    I believe it is better to follow whichever option seems easier for you to implement.

    However, I should say that there are slight differences between R and octave script debugging. For instance, as far as i can see, there is no "step in" command for R. Also, R contains lots of other debugging commands which does not exist in octave. (octave's debug commands are very similar those of gdb's command). Therefore, perhaps you may also consider developing a standalone octave plugin for the future's sake.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-12-21

    Dear Dan,

    First of all thank you for this superb plugin.
    I have one for the feature list: would it be
    possible to add bookmarks at specific points
    in the code, accessible via the F9-left pan?


  • Dan Dediu

    Dan Dediu - 2011-12-22


    would it be possible to add bookmarks at specific points in the code, accessible via the F9-left pan?

    that's an interesting thought! Now, there is something already in rgedit which kind of does that: it's named "landmark comments" (accessible through right-click menu Insert Landmark Comment in the editor) and this basically inserts a specially formatted comment of the form:

    # @@ RGEDIT LANDMARK @@: your text goes here

    where the your text goes here can be replaced by your bookmark message/text. When the file is saved, these comments are automatically indexed in the

    R structure

    panel (together with function, data.frame, …) and identified through the special icon #@.

    Have a look and let me know what you think!


  • ylelkes

    ylelkes - 2012-01-22

    I'd like to start R on  a remote server via ssh from rgedit. I'm a noob, so maybe this is already possible but i don't know.

    if this was possible and you had some sweave integration, I'd switch over from eclipse completely.


  • Dan Dediu

    Dan Dediu - 2012-01-23


    I'd like to start R on a remote server via ssh from rgedit

    Do you mean you want to start a ssh session running just R in it and rgedit to be able to communicate with this transparently? I imagine that could be done (with or without X forwarding) but I have to work on it.

    you had some sweave integration

    I am not using sweave my self (mybe I should start?) so I have really no idea what kind of scenario you have in mind: could you pls give some more details of what you would need/like?


  • ylelkes

    ylelkes - 2012-01-23

    Hi, "I'd like to start R on a remote server via ssh from rgedit" Do you mean you want to start a ssh session running just R in it and rgedit to be able to communicate with this transparently? I imagine that could be done (with or without X forwarding) but I have to work on it. "you had some sweave integration" I am not using sweave my self (mybe I should start?) so I have really no idea what kind of scenario you have in mind: could you pls give some more details of what you would need/like? Best, Dan

    yes, exactly re: ssh.

    as for sweave and latex, right now i use stat-et in eclipse , and i like how that works. basically, i'd be able to create a sweave document and with a single shortcut I'd be able to run Rnw (the sweave file) to tex (through the Sweave command in R) to pdf (through pdf latex).

    thank you! I really look forward to such a lightweight app.

  • Kyle Enger

    Kyle Enger - 2012-02-29

    First - thanks for making rgedit, it really makes my life easier. I'd like to repeat the call for extending rgedit to work with Octave, and ask if any progress has been made since other people posted above regarding that. Unfortunately, I know no programming languages other than R and Octave/Matlab, so I'm not sure what I could do to help. Thanks again!

  • ahanonymous

    ahanonymous - 2012-03-15


    I think the automatic adjustment of R's console output is already available.  I took the code at
    and put it into a script. Then I used your R gedit plugin's capability to call a script on startup to run it so I have automatic width adjustment.  Perhaps this could be incorporated into the code for those who don't script much, or perhaps consider adding it to the FAQ on your page?

    Thanks so much for your excellent plugin.  I use it constantly.

    # auto width adjustment

    .adjustWidth <- function(…){

    .adjustWidthCallBack <- addTaskCallback(.adjustWidth)

  • Dan Dediu

    Dan Dediu - 2012-03-16

    Hi Kyle,

    First - thanks for making rgedit, it really makes my life easier.

    You're welcome!

    I'd like to repeat the call for extending rgedit to work with Octave, and ask if any progress has been made since other people posted above regarding that. Unfortunately, I know no programming languages other than R and Octave/Matlab, so I'm not sure what I could do to help. Thanks again!

    It seems the idea of extending this to Octave is popular :) Unfortunately, I have been really busy lately and did not have the time to even properly think about it :( This is compounded by my almost complete unfamiliarity with Octave. Maybe I'll have time to start working on this in a couple of months, depending on how things go.


  • Dan Dediu

    Dan Dediu - 2012-03-16

    Hi anonyhole,

    this is a nice trick! I am using Jakson's package


    also audtomatically loaded at startup.
    I am a bit reluctant to include an autostart.r file in the delivery but I could include this suggestion in the FAQ…


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