
Resize Images / Blog: Recent posts

Version 3 released

Version 3 is written in python. Why? Because it was a good language test for me, but also because it is cross platform. On top of that, the installer is now more intelligent and will create the registry keys. The settings for the resize are now stored in a .cfg file rather than in the registry as this makes it easy to work with. The Resize Images that the installer creates is a c program that just opens up the config page.

Posted by Daniel Casserly 2012-06-13

Patch Applied

I have uploaded a new version. Having tested on a 64 bit system it basically failed. Also the icon was not showing up due to me being a muppet and not changing the location of the icon in the production program(after testing.)

The 64 bit problem was the Program Files being different in the reg keys that are created. The (x86) being added for a 64 bit system. I have added a check into the console program now.... read more

Posted by Daniel Casserly 2012-01-08

Resize Images 2 Released

Resize images version 1 was more a can i do this type project. Version 2 is 100%(minimum) more useful. The application is actually 3 apps (view source for more details).

1: a console app for creating reg keys for the windows shell, it also creates a regkey for the size you wish to change the images to

2: a winforms app that allows you to set the right click in place(this will auto happen if you run resize images on installation) and set the size of the images. It basically runs app one with or without arguments. ... read more

Posted by Daniel Casserly 2012-01-07 Labels: c# resize images windows shell english jpeg png fig gif