
Rephactor / News: Recent posts

Ready Fire Aim

I've finished uploading Aperiplus files (a required library and a separate sourceforge project) and so it's now possible to install & try out Rephactor.

Click on the project/website link for installation instructions and an introduction to Rephactor.


Posted by Noel Darlow 2007-07-01

first spike

At last some code... The first spike doesn't do anything exciting - just a simple find-replace refactoring - but this has allowed me to sketch out an application framework:
- sync (svn update/commit)
- test before
- refactor
- test after, compare with before & see if anything broke.

The first spike runs on nix, php5 and uses subversion, SimpleTest, Phemto and Aperiplus. The latter is my general purpose php library which will hopefully be up on sourceforge in a week or two so you'll need to wait for that before you can try out Rephactor.... read more

Posted by Noel Darlow 2007-06-19