
Macbook Pro multiboot - everything works except...

  • ac2334

    ac2334 - 2014-12-17



    I have everything working with the latest Refind but one nagging issue: in order to boot into Windows 8 I must bypass the Refind menu by holding option each time at boot. It then allows me to select and boot to Windows 8.

    I was hoping that someone more knowledgable on the subject could tell me what that indicates and if there is any simple way for me to access Windows 8 from the standard Refind menu.

    Also, I have a SSD and a 2TB standard drive in my Macbook Pro. When the SSD is on it's own, the triple boot of OSX, Ubuntu and Windows 8 works perfectly (accomplished using a hybrid MBR in Gdisk). But it is when I add the 2TB drive (containing XP, Vista and 2 copies of Windows 7) that this drive takes control of the boot process for the Windows icon in Refind and I can no longer access Windows 8 (except by holding option at boot).

    Please help if you can!

    Thank you!

  • ac2334

    ac2334 - 2014-12-17


    Pressing escape reveals all of my other windows installations, however, Windows 8 is not one of them. I have commented in scan_delay and now it finds these partitions, but again, no Windows 8.

    Holding option at boot still allows me to boot to Windows 8. Strangely, there is now one Windows option as before there were two.

    I have rebuilt the hybrid MBR and reinstalled Refind and still Windows 8 won't show up in the Refind menu. (It did before adding the second hard drive with other versions of Windows)


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