
Won't install on iMac 13,2

  • joe

    joe - 2013-12-06

    Great program, use it all the time on a MacAir, but problems istalling on new iMac. I've tried both Refit and Refind, no errors on installation, but still booting directly into OSX (reboot numerous times, hold option key, no Refind). Refind was installed using and there were no errors. In anticipation of installing Ubuntu, these are my partitions:
    /dev/sda1 fat32 EFI 200mb
    /dev/sda2 hfs+ MacHD 531.34gb
    /dev/sda3 hfs+ Recovery 620mb
    unallocated 128mb
    /dev/sda4 ext4 data 2.2tb
    /dev/sda5 ext4 linux 9.28gb mount as /
    /dev/sda6 linux-swap 3.96gb

    However, there is another SATA drive that I suspect is part of the problem/solution:
    Apple SSD SM128E Media 121Gb SATA
    dev/sdb1 fat32 EFI 210mb
    dev/sdb2 unkown 121Gb
    dev/sdb3 AppleBootPartition HFS+ Boot OSx (label) Booter (partition label)

    Do I need to install Refind onto sdb? If so, which partition (sdb3?)? Subsequently, what do I designate as the "device for boot loader installation" when installing Ubuntu?
    As a work around, without Refind, can I designate sda as the Ubuntu boot loader (tried sda1 already, hold option key on boot, no luck)?

    Appreciate any help.

  • Roderick W. Smith

    I recommend you grab the development version of from the git repository. This version of includes a new option, called --ownhfs {device-id}, which installs rEFInd to an HFS+ volume that is NOT currently an OS X boot volume. (You must specify the device filename, as in /dev/disk0s4 or whatever, as {device-id}.) It installs it in a somewhat different way than is done currently, though, the result of which is that rEFInd should look more like OS X and be selectable using OS X's own boot manager. It's possible that installing in this way will work around your problems.

    Alternatively, you could try installing to the ESP by using the --esp option. That seems to be a bit troublesome for some users, though.

  • joe

    joe - 2013-12-18

    Thanks for the help. Have tried your suggestion but hitting a wall. Upon executing the command:
    sudo /Volumes/Untitled/refind-bin-0.7.5/ --ownhfs /dev/disk1
    I get this output:
    Installing rEFInd on OS X....
    mount_hfs: Resource busy
    Couldn't mount /dev/disk1 ! Aborting!

    When I do the same for disk1s1, I get this:
    Installing rEFInd on OS X....
    mount_hfs: Invalid argument
    Couldn't mount /dev/disk1s1 ! Aborting!

    Same results even after executing: diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk1

    Any ideas? I'm confused as to the Apple partitions... from which EFI partition is the Mac booting: disk0 or disk1? Should I try installing Refind on disk0 (bit reluctant to screw something up!)? Ultimately, should Grub go onto disk0 or disk1?

    These are the drives as viewed from inside osx:
    0: GUID_partition_scheme 121.3 GB disk0
    1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
    2: Apple_CoreStorage 121.0 GB disk0s2
    3: Apple_Boot Boot OS X 134.2 MB disk0s3
    0: GUID_partition_scheme
    3.0 TB disk1
    1: EFI 209.7 MB disk1s1
    2: Apple_CoreStorage 570.5 GB disk1s2
    3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk1s3
    4: Microsoft Basic Data 10.0 GB disk1s5
    5: Linux Swap 4.2 GB disk1s6
    6: Microsoft Basic Data 2.4 TB disk1s7
    0: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD *677.0 GB disk2
    diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk1

  • Roderick W. Smith

    The device you specify must be a partition, and it must contain an HFS+ filesystem. On your system, /dev/disk1 is a whole-disk device, not a partition; and /dev/disk1s1 is an ESP (which presumably uses FAT).

    I can't tell from your output which partition(s) do not contain OS X installations, and it's critical that you specify a partition that does not hold an OS X installation to the --ownhfs option. My guess is that /dev/disk1s2 would be OK, but I can't be positive of that. That's a 570GB partition on your second disk.

  • joe

    joe - 2014-01-24

    Finally found some time to finish this install using your suggestions. This is the 4th Mac I've set up for dual boot and each one has it's own unique problems. I appreciate the work you've put into rEFIt and rEFInd. The OSX/Ubuntu dual boot is working nicely and I thought I would document what I did for the benefit of others.
    This Mac has a 128mb flash drive (disk0) and a 3tb HDD (disk1), which is managed by Apple's Fusion drive. From what I understand, Fusion creates some sort of pseudo drive (disk2) from these two physical drives where it “actively” moves the more oft-accessed files to the flash drive. Your requirement for rEFInd to be installed on an HFS+ partition without any OSX files made me reluctant to install it on any HFS+ partition used by Fusion. I don't know if Fusion moves the operating system folders so, to be on the safe side, I created a separate small HFS+ partition for rEFInd.

    For the benefit of others, these are my notes for the successful install...

    The machine: iMac 13,2 ; Intel Core i7 ; 3.4 GHz processor ; 16 Gb memory
    ubuntu-12.04.3-desktop-amd64+mac.iso from
    rEFInd from
    development version of from

    The first step was to resize the partitions using OSX's disk utility. The empty space (disk1s4) is where Ubuntu and rEFInd will be installed. These are the partitions after the resize:
    0: GUID_partition_scheme 121.3 GB disk0
    1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
    2: Apple_CoreStorage 121.0 GB disk0s2
    3: Apple_Boot Boot OS X 134.2 MB disk0s3
    0: GUID_partition_scheme
    3.0 TB disk1
    1: EFI 209.7 MB disk1s1
    2: Apple_CoreStorage 570.5 GB disk1s2
    3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk1s3
    4: Microsoft Basic Data 2.4 TB disk1s4
    0: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD *677.0 GB disk2

    Note: /dev/disk2 seems to be a "psuedo" disk created by apple's Fusion drive (a combination of disk0 and disk1).

    Next, boot to a Ubuntu Live CD but I encountered one annoying quirk: the boot process automatically ejects the CD unless I log into OSX and click “ignore” when it says it can't read the CD. For some reason, this sets a flag which prevents the CD from being ejected during the boot process.

    Using gparted from the Live CD, I created partitions for rEFInd, the Ubuntu OS, a shared data drive, and swap (leaving 128mb following the mac partitions, which I read somewhere was a requirement):
    /dev/sda1 fat32 EFI 200mb
    /dev/sda2 hfs+ MacHD 531.34gb
    /dev/sda3 hfs+ Recovery 619.89mb
    unallocated 128.42mb
    /dev/sda4 hfs+ refind 200.0mb
    /dev/sda7 hfs+ data 2.2tb
    /dev/sda5 ext4 linux 9.28gb
    /dev/sda6 linux-swap 3.96gb

    Reboot to OSX; this is the new output from the command diskutil list:
    0: GUID_partition_scheme 121.3 GB disk0
    1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
    2: Apple_CoreStorage 121.0 GB disk0s2
    3: Apple_Boot Boot OS X 134.2 MB disk0s3
    0: GUID_partition_scheme
    3.0 TB disk1
    1: EFI 209.7 MB disk1s1
    2: Apple_CoreStorage 570.5 GB disk1s2
    3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk1s3
    4: Apple_HFS refind 209.7 MB disk1s4
    5: Microsoft Basic Data 10.0 GB disk1s5
    6: Linux Swap 4.2 GB disk1s6
    7: Microsoft Basic Data 2.4 TB disk1s7
    0: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD *677.0 GB disk2

    Unpack rEFInd into the home directory, replace with the development version, execute this command from the terminal (will prompt for sudo pw): --ownhfs /dev/disk1s4

    Success! However, a brief moment of panic when I reboot and see no apple icon on the EFI menu. It does appear after hitting the ESC key, a problem that is solved later by setting scan_delay=1.

    Next, I installed Ubuntu with sda5 mounted as / and the boot loader installed on sda (ignore the warning about a boot partition).

    And this is the customized screen:
    timeout 15
    hideui banner label hints
    icons_dir myicons
    scan_delay 1
    max_tags 2
    default_selection linux


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