
What Forums to use? How to report Bugs (Read Me first)

  • Simon Bridger

    Simon Bridger - 2015-05-14

    Use Help and Discussion forum for all discussion. It is the right place to discuss problems, bugs and desired new features.
    Always give Realterm version and Windows version.
    Make sure to search the Help webpage - it is quite extensive. Also check the Wiki and don't forget the F1 key in RT itself.

    BUT - When you have an identified bug, or a clear Feature request, go to Tickets.
    Feature Requests

    Tickets are watched and actioned during Realterm development. If you can't be bothered to formally post a ticket, I take that as a clear signal it is not important to you, and won't spend time on it. Emailed requests are the same - Tickets get actioned.


    Last edit: Simon Bridger 2016-05-13
  • Frederic Hage

    Frederic Hage - 2020-04-17

    Please check the link under "Bugs" it links to "Feature request" instead.



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