
rdiff-backup-web / News: Recent posts

New Version 0.05

There is a new version of rdiff-backup-web, version 0.05.

This version adds the ability to use SSH-style backup connections. This requires the use of Dean Gaudet's unattended rdiff backup method to work. See for details.

Posted by Dale Stirling 2007-12-17

New Version

There is a new version of rdiff-backup-web, version 0.03. (ignore the fact that there was no 0.02. the less said about that the better).

This version adds the ability to use SSH-style backup connections. This requires the use of Dean Gaudet's unattended rdiff backup method to work. See for details.

Posted by David Evans 2004-08-13

Release at Last!

Release 0.01 of rdiff-backup-web has finally been released. Download the tarball from the files page, untar it with tar -zxvf rdiff-backup-web_0.01.tar.gz, then read the readme for installation and use instructions. It's probably an unreadable shambles, but any criticism/code submissions gratefully accepted.


Posted by David Evans 2004-07-29

Welcome to rdiff-backup-web

Hi there. This is my first project like this, so bear with me, it might take a while before this is any good.

rdiff-backup-web is a web-based front end to rdiff-backup, a backup solution that uses rdiff to create incremental backups. The web portions of rdiff-backup-web are written in php, and there is a command line perl script included that is run as a cron job.

Hopefully, I should be uploading version 0.0.1 today. Then we'll see if anyone is interested.... read more

Posted by David Evans 2004-07-08