
Roundcube Vacation / Autoreply plugin / News: Recent posts

Not maintained anymore

Hi, as you can see from the latest release (2010) this plugin is no longer maintained by me.

If it still works for you (after some fixes to skin), great! But it's better if someone forks it on Github and continues from there, if not done already.

Posted by Jasper 2018-03-27

Version 1.9.9 released


Previous versions of the plugin had some annoying bugs in creating dotforward files. This update was long over due. is no longer needed and install.txt has been updated. All configuration goes into config.ini

I have been quite busy with work so my time is limited to develop this plugin. Hopefully it's stable for now and free of serious bugs :)
Mail me if you need support or have any questions.

Posted by Jasper 2010-06-13

Sieve support coming

I am working on a Sieve driver for the Roundcube vacation plugin.

I hope it's not a waste of time because there are already good managesieve plugins out there. It probably takes another week or so before I have time to finish this driver.

While I am quite experienced with Dovecot, I haven't looked at Sieve filtering before but there are already existing vacation backend scripts in Sieve. So stay tuned.... read more

Posted by Jasper 2010-03-05

Version 1.9 released

Version 1.9 has been released with major updates to documentation (install.txt and readme.txt). At various places error checking has been added.
Please see Changelog for full details.

Posted by Jasper 2010-02-28

New release / Major improvements

It has been a while since the last version. I have taken some to redesign bits and pieces so the new release has the following improvements:

- Support for per-host configuration using .ini
- It's now possible to disable the 'Vacation' tab on a per host basis
- Support for default subject and body text.
- Support for aliases (.forward only) based on identities.
- Support for SSHFTP (requires ssh extension in PHP)
- Fixed localization support for untranslated strings.
- New translations: Polish, Czech and Taiwanese
- Simplied
- Errors are displayed on screen rather than the error log.
- Various bugfixes. ... read more

Posted by Jasper 2010-02-20

Version 1.6.2 released

Version 1.6.2 adds support for the setuid backend whichh means that a .forward file can be created without an FTP-server.

Also various bugfixes have been made, README.txt has been updated.

If something is broken, please notify me.

Posted by Jasper 2009-09-27

Version 1.6.1 released

Version 1.6.1 tries to the address the critic of Version 1.6 (see Reviews).

The FTP-driver failed to add the username for /usr/bin/vacation when saving a .forward file
Vacation.js has been fixed so reference to password is gone.

Version 1.0 still works but it is seriously flawed if you look at the code. It's not the right way to write a plugin, but in this case the plugin was a quick and dirty port of Squirrelmail's code. ... read more

Posted by Jasper 2009-09-21

SVN snapshots

For testing purposes please use the SVN snapshot. I will do a new release (version 3 beta) soon.
Please read README.TXT in the SVN repo first.

All code and releases are of beta quality for now.

Posted by Jasper 2009-09-10

Updated SVN snapshot

I updated the SVN repo with some changes to the backend and frontend.

This addresses some bugs in the FTP backend, adds support for forwarding and templating interaction with Roundcube.

I am not entirely happy with DotForward's parse method implementation.

Expect a release soon and I would like to see some test results.

Posted by Jasper 2009-09-03